grade one

As long as we’re keeping things simplified I’ll buy into this week’s FF:

What was…

1. …your first grade teacher’s name?

Miss Meyers. Tall, brunette, slightly hippyish..? Well, it was 1977. I suspect the whole world was slightly hippyish.

2. …your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

In grade one? A tie between Blackstar and Thundarr the Barbarian. I still yell out “INTOOO BATTUUUUHL!” and no one knows what the hell I’m going on about.

3. …the name of your very first best friend?

My parents tell me about best friends I had when I was really small, but I don’t really rememeber much before kindergarten. The earliest best friend I remember is Ronnie. He was a lanky blond kid who lived up Cranbrook Hill. I lived on a block full of kids around my own age and we were always (always) getting into trouble together, but we were all great friends and there wasn’t much one-on-one time, so to pick one of them as a best friend would be too tough. Every once in a while I’d take the bus with Ronnie out to his dairy farm for the weekend and we’d stay up all night in his tree fort, then all day we’d explore, building forts in the hay and hunting frogs & snakes, and pretending we were soldiers or robots or superheroes or knights or… you get the idea.

4. …your favorite breakfast cereal?

Froot Loops. I was only allowed to have them a couple times, and then only during summer vacation. Heh. I think my parents lived in fear. Just a little.

5. …your favorite thing to do after school?

Climb trees… build forts… play Lego… terrorize the girls… somehow we were always getting into trouble and never quite understood why. Girls are such babies. =P

Oh- ‘grats to Jason for landing the job! You, my friend, are a hawt commodity. Now to figure out how to get me hired, and in the desk next to you.

2 thoughts on “grade one”

  1. Awww, thanks DJ. Don’t worry: I am sleeping with everyone I can at the new place (already!) in an attempt to get you that desk.


    (Sorry I didn’t call you back when my cell crapped out on the Malahat… when I got home it was a blur of grocery shopping, dinner with Stephen, then off to help out at the club and make some extra blang. I have been neglecting our Holy Union something fierce, and it shall be rectified.)

    Sounds like a pretty standard past. Much like mine, except less trouble, different tv shows, and I still eat Froot Loops.

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