
Part of me wants to applaud the States for ackowledging the obvious, but mostly I’m glad. I’ve said before there must be smart Americans out there, and here’s evidence. Sure all of this is what many of us have been saying all along, but what’s new is that the mainstream media is criticizing this money-grab. Checks & balances strikes the media. Cool.

reprinted w/o permission

What I’m really looking forward to is the general call to account for the behaviour of the government in essentially launching a lynch mob. It’s not far off. Why else would the White House be holding on to sensitive documents in the face of non-partisan investigation?

1 thought on “duh”

  1. Manufactured consent. Essentially the puppetries disguised as mass media have inculcated the masses with delusive reasoning behind an unnecessary war. The general public is bombarded only with information that will support what the bureaucratic elite have already decided. What happened to the coverage of Bin Laden for example? Its astounding how many misinformed people will actually converse in terms of why war with Iraq was necessary because of 9/11! Despite the ravenous dominance of this wartime propaganda, despite the deliberate avoidance of actual facts, there is an intrinsic beauty…the core grace within the system of democracy and the Bill of Rights. That every individual has the ability to seek out facts. That every individual has the freedom of speech. And there’s nothing more powerful than an educated individual. I think slowly the facts will surface. But I have no doubts there will be the same valiant efforts to sweep them under the carpet along with all the others…enter the distractions of baseball, football, golf, the weather, the shooting around the corner, the peeping Tom in your neighbourhood. The masterful art of diverting attention… It can only last so long though. As this article for example points towards some of the inconsistencies. It might take some time, but I do think this increase of mass awareness is only going to grow…should be interesting.

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