6 thoughts on “710 reasons to bomb”

  1. er…Yes. So now we have established it isn’t just about WMD and it isn’t just about oil. No retort, just more information to do with what you please.

  2. I’m not saying oil doesn’t have anything to do with it, but I do have some information I want to share.

    Nigeria is the largest producer of oil in Africa. 5th largest supplier to the US. Nearly all major oil suppliers have shut down and evacuated because of ‘native unrest’. A good friend of my brother works (ed) there and has been sending chilling details via email. Odd that we don’t hear about it on the news. The area was over run with guerillas and the staff were forced to huddle in one building in the center of their compound. Two days ago he was finally evacuated.

    So… what does that have to do with it? We’ve already established that if it were all about crisis, Iraq would hardly be considered a target.

  3. Gotcha. And a very good point, really. Wonder how N. Korea is coming along with those nukes? Mine should be ready in about a month and a half, according to official estimates.

  4. lol@gurton!

    I’d say more about our interests and intents for joining the war against Iraq and whatnot. But frankly, I’m tired of it, it’s all I see, hear, read and/or is shoved in my face.

    There are a lot of things I’ve kept to myself, but I can’t help but be sad. I’m sad for all those people who will never know the world like it could have been before people became concerned with their own interests.

    Actually, I’m more sad because I didn’t have that chance. That’s a bit self serving and not a little feeling sorry for myself and what I never had to start with…but wouldn’t you feel the same way if you lost the CHANCE to have something great?

    I see this world as it is going to be, and it’s a very sorry thing indeed. I’m not portending doom, more like I’m resigning myself to my fate.

    *please pardon the moroseness of this post*

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