
mischiff’s biorhythm chart

Like I said on Apeiro’s site, looks like by Friday I’ll be vaguely retarded and sporting wood all day. I wonder if that means I’m going to be 16 again? Should be a good weekend anyway.

7 thoughts on “biorhythms”

  1. Now THAT was a good one, DJ… hahaha.

    You know you can check your compatibilty with others on a given day, right?

    I was at 60% with Aaron and 89% with Judd. Hold up, I’ll check how we’re doing.

    Looks like 78%, DJ. :)

    My emotional is at exactly 0% today, and that trips me out. I have been pretty void all day, actually… just not caring.

  2. So what does that compatibilty percentage mean? If it’s high we’ll get along particularly well? If it’s 100% we’ll have complete synergy? If it’s low we should avoid each other’s shifty glances? And if we were strangers and otherwise sexually compatible would these numbers imply a percentage chance of gettin’ it on?

    So many questions, so little… something something.

  3. Pretty much, yeah.

    If it is high, it means we are more compatible on that given day for that given attribute… then there is an average as well.

    The number I gave you was for our average March 5th biorhythms…

    Go to the site and try it! It’s fun! Mikey likes it!

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