Expelled exposed

Ben Stein’s latest movie, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed [imdb] [site], is a pro-creationist, pro-ID effort to expose how schools censor free thought by refusing to teach religious dogma alongside science.

Obviously, it’s mostly garbage.

The movie’s producers would have us believe that belief in evolution begets atheism begets Nazism.  I’m not kidding.  This is what I have read.

Remember those frat boy morons in Borat?  How they sued because they were embarassed?  No amount of creative editing is going to change the fact they said women were bitches and slavery should be legal.  They said it, and no one had to mess with the context there.

But what if you misrepresent the entire premise of your project to obtain interviews with respected critical thinkers?  What if you conduct the interview with the foreknowledge that you will edit out everything but a few key phrases reinforcing your secret premise?

Are we supposed to accept your product as legitimate?  Especially if you are claiming to be defending the free dissemination of ideas?

Even if your message were not garbage, your hypocrisy would still earn my contempt.