swimming in sin

There is an often amusing forum at Free Republic. Not the sort of place you’d expect to find me, especially seeing as they seem unaware that the neo-cons in power would like anything but freedom for the republic, but I like to keep a balanced perspective and most of the posters are moderate, or at least in possession of a sincere sense of humour. Anyway, for one reason or another I found myself reading this thread about the advent of muslim swimwear, the burqini [wikipedia article].


There were several thoughtful posters who pointed out that despite most people’s first reaction of ‘dear god how do you swim in that tent’, there is, in fact, a segment of western society that is all in favour of more modest swimwear.

WholesomeWear WholesomeWear.com

SwimModest SwimModest.com

SwimModest is an outfit conceived and run by a mother of seven. Take from that what you will.

This parallel between the two cultures is mirrored indirectly in Jesus Camp [official site], [wikipedia article] a true documentary which you will probably have heard about by now through YouTube [Jesus Camp trailer], and which frankly should scare the hell out of you. We could be one generation away from a global holy war born of extreme ignorance.
But that’s a different post.

All I’m saying here is that there are parallels. More than some of us would like to admit.

It’s not the religion that’s evil. It’s the motives behind the interpretation.  And the hypocrisy, but again, that’s another post.  If I’m to make gross generalizations I will say that fundamentalists are wrong, static religion is poison, and kids deserve a fair opportunity to make up their own minds. Never mind the fact that they deserve the chance to be kids.

As for me… I like bikinis.

jennifer ohmigod england

4 thoughts on “swimming in sin”

  1. As long as you don’t wear them…. (in public).

    Anyways, never forget it is the Christian Values that makes us who we are (if you don’t detect the sarcasm, make sure to check the batteries on your sarcasm detector)

  2. OMG, I never thought I’d see BJ (Bikini Jennifer) ever again.

    Everytime one of those calendar stores opens at Christmastime I think of you. If the ‘mill were still around you can bet your ass that I would still be your Secret Santa every year.

  3. Oh, Jason. It’s a little warped that I can’t see her without thinking of you, but I also think about Christmas so I guess I won’t need therapy. Until I see Santa in a bikini.

  4. Or me in a bikini. A Christmas bikini.

    Speaking of Christmas – and us – I almost died when I saw the ads for “Black Christmas” this past holiday season… a story about a kid who goes mental, kills his family at Xmas, and then makes them into holiday cookies?


    That was OUR IDEA. *huffy*

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