More on that last post later.

Not so long ago I saw V For Vendetta for the first time, and it had the obvious impact on me. You may have noted my current banner. I made the obvious comparison to the current hopeless lack of accountability or even responsibility rampant in the US government. Not surprisingly millions across the States have drawn the same conclusion. What is surprising is that a precious few have actually gone the one step further and applied it literally. Very fun. More power to you, guys.

2 thoughts on “V”

  1. With regards to the “No Answers, no taxes” banner, isn’t there still a few people in court in the US that claim that Federal Income Tax is unconstitutional?

    Imagine that.

  2. True. The Canadian income tax was instituted as a war measure with the promise that when the war was over the tax would be eliminated. So um… good thing were still at war with… somebody…

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