spring, you sassy minx

What a great day. Some I can tell you about, some I get to keep for myself to bring out on rainy days. First: HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVGENYA! Hope Aaron’s taking good care of you today.

Got up at ten to meet up with the parents along with Max & Lois (Max & my dad were best buds back when dirt was new). We went to Cup Of Joe’s and only had to wait a few minutes for a good table. The service was as usual, but so was the food so we didn’t mind too much.

Last time I saw Max & Lois was fifteen years ago. I was a little less friendly toward old people back then. Old being anyone over about 20. So we didn’t really chat much. I’ve grown up a bit since then, so the conversation was a lot more fun. Good people, in the Good People sense. Max has a great sense of humour and Lois is a perfect complement. And they’re Aussies, so they start with bonus points. *grin*

Way back then they brought John & Linley with them. John was ten & I guess Linley must have been eighteen. She was HAWT! Big eyes and a truck-load of sass. Of course a romantic tryst never crossed her mind but at least she had a wicked sense of humour. Hope she’s doing well.

And John! John just wrapped a six-month gig for Disney down in Sydney. Did I mention he’s a phenom artist? Even when he was ten he was amazing. Hope he keeps going.

Anyway, brunch was great. I’ll be seeing them again in a bit less than a month. Good times.

After they left I grabbed the newly refitted camera and Neil & I wandered around the Inner Harbour & Legislature. Somehow I managed to burn through three rolls. I think I need that digital soon. This is going to get awfully expensive pretty quick.

So I’ll post today’s jaunt in about a week, along with the pics from the Q2 retreat (we went to Pender Island again). I wanted to post some of those tonight, but I can’t figure out how to get access to the Wondermill storage space from home with Judd’s new uber-fixes. Tomorrow then.

Then we hung out in the sun with Heather, the Promo Queen from Hot103 over Frappuccinos & she tried to talk us into driving the Community Cruiser this summer. Well, she asked me a couple weeks ago and I kinda laughed it off. I mean, can you imagine me driving the cruiser and doing the radio spots and being a good corporate lacky? Nope. I just can’t be that guy. I think I’d last about two hours before my sense of humour barged on to the air and I got my walking papers. I think Neil would be a slightly safer bet, and he’s got a great personality for it (once he gets past a touch of live-broadcast-shyness). If he gets it I’ll ride shotgun & make sure he doesn’t play too nice. *grin* One thing I will say now- if he gets the spot we’ll be doing the Rhinoguys Tour 2003 on the air, baybeez!

And hell-o-o-o spring. Here’s to what’s shaping up to be the most memorable summer in a long time.

4 thoughts on “spring, you sassy minx”

  1. Thanks dj! The birthday was wonderful and aa did indeed take good care of me. (thanks aa!) And, yes, Hell-o-o Spring. Finally. :)

    Yes, yay for spring!

  2. A huge WELCOME to Spring, for sure. :) Between the sudden sun and daylight savings time, all of a sudden it’s long beautiful days. Ahhhh.

    *happy sigh*

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