clouds & sun

A quick Google News check says they think Saddam’s appearance on TV shortly after the surprise bombing may have been bogus, played by an impostor. He looked older, they say. He was wearing glasses they’ve never seen him in before, they say.


The streets of Baghdad are apparently mostly abandoned. No great surprise there. Most civilians who are able have left town, heading for the deep countryside. Duh.

What bugs the hell out of me is not that Saddam is positioning his human shields at potential military targets. That’s what I’d do. No, it’s that they’re doing it! What are they thinking? We’ve got protestors who have traveled from the other side of the world to express their outrage at this invasion, and then they go and hinder any hope we might have of minimizing the collateral damage. Get your priorities straight, people. If you’re protesting the invasion of an otherwise innocent nation, what the hell are you doing helping the dictator out?

Join hands in front of the hospitals or something, for the love of gawd. If the only justification Bush has been able to muster for this invasion is the removal of Saddam, what are you doing hindering that? If anything, you should be doing everything in your power to point right at him, so the States can do their dirty work and get the hell out. *Then* we get to see if the States has any intention of honouring their public statement that “the oil in Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people.”

In other news, today was another great day at the Mill. A couple of the lads got new desks, and the place is looking a little Christmassy with bits of styrofoam littered throughout. We went to our conference room at Swan’s and got a lot of talking done, mostly just to bring us back on track in a focusing sorta way. Good times. Lots of laughs but with a purpose too.

This time next week we’ll probably be 15 strong. We’re starting to burst at the seams in here. The new office space will be coming in the very nick of time.

How was your day? Let’s sit down with a cuppa and you can tell me all about it.

*gets comfortable*

mp3 of the mo’: Miss Kittin – “Frank Sinatra”

17 thoughts on “clouds & sun”

  1. It was a gray, rainy, kinda day. Matched my mood perfectly. The news sucks, I couldn’t get out with Zach (too cold), and then I got puked on. Shall I go on? Could really use that cuppa.

    Bored silly. Did laundry and am having a hard time with the waiting game. Gonna have too much work fairly soon, but right now I am waiting for architect to finish plans. Then all heck breaks loose, at once. That is right you heard me, all Heck.

  2. did you know that if you put something in > brakets, it doesn’t show up?

    the city is putting the cops (my bf) on that shitty *scuse me* duty, and I said “ahem” after the saga comment. sorry, had to edit and can’t find that button :)

  3. *finally* got the new apartment cleaned up and things put away…note: we’ve been at the “new” apartment for a month now :P However, there is a STILL a ton of laundry to be done. Does this stuff multiply when we’re not here? Jeez.

    Lost my job. The girl whose place I took came back and wanted it back. Technically I was still in the 90 day clause period, so, they let me go. Hmph. None too pleased about that. Am still looking for another one, and rent is looming in the not too distant future.

    BF and I are stressed about the $$$ situation, plus because of the war, the city is putting them on 12 hour shifts with only one day off a week. The kicker? Their day off is their court date. How nice. I’m beyond pissed on that one, but what can *I* do. I’d like to kick govornor Easley in the nuts, is what…but I’m not likely to get that chance anytime soon :)

    I dyed my hair, it’s dark auburn now, with honey colored highlights, it looks pretty good, I think. Um….not a whole lot else is going on :)

    Sorry it’s been so long…but SOMEONE needs to visit the saga sometime soon or it’s going to come to a very swift conclusion involving certain death.


    Have a good night, see ya laters :)


  4. do you really want to know about my day? I’d rather hear about glorious life that is called Wondermill. I like how you juxtapose the news on the war and the Christmas day at the Mill. Somehow the latter brings a little sanity home. So, since you asked about my day, I am on the verge of watching two years of research culminate into an 18-page paper to be submitted in the morning to the Astrophysical Journal. Made for a VERY exciting day, ’til now. *Stress headache arriving*. Everytime I reach a big goal, I get this bummed out feeling like… oh oh, what now? a cuppa a tea with you sounds pretty good right now … I guess it’ll have to be at the cyberspace cafe. ‘good of you to ask about our day. :)

  5. Congrats evgenya. Sounds tres cool.

    And Toki. Hello! Yes you…

    If you need a job, the dj and I are thinking of expanding our harem.
    Isn’t that right good sir?

    Ps. html code uses those brackets “>” and assumes you are entering code. That is why it doesn’t show up :)

  6. My day… well… it was pretty boring. I did a demo for an assignment that went well. The girl in my com100 class decided not to show up again (I’ve decided to give up on her). I put off homework for another day again…

    That’s about all. You’d think that I’d get something productive done in my evening. I supposed I did get picogui working, but that doesn’t really help my school at all.

    So, yeah. That was my day. I think a cuppa anything right about now would be nice.

  7. yo, the White House called – they’d like you to fill the new cabinet position of “Village Idiot with Head Up Ass”. Reply ASAFP – you clearly fit the bill, in spades.

  8. This I’ve got to hear. Dear Person Lacking The Balls To Leave Your Name… (vi, for short):

    What makes you think I have my head up my ass? Is Bush already out of office and you’re looking for a replacement? I can see why a patriot heart might be upset with my generous Yankee-bashing, but why in the world would you think it was undeserving?

    Or is it that you fully agree, but don’t approve of my methods?

    Rather than nuke your half-wit comments, I’m giving you the spotlight, SuperFriend. Please do tell all.

  9. Vi, you fucknut.

    How’s that for intelligent debate, DJ? :)

    My day was… eerily the same as yours. Imagine THAT, huh? :)

    (And what is up with all of these flamewar-inducing trolls infesting blog comment sections? Lame.)

  10. Agreed Jester. Comments sound vaguely familiar to the stream on dragushan. Not surprised at the use of alias’ though, I mean why would ass-clown Sr. want us talking trash about his son?

  11. The US is KICKING ASS!! I’m definitely going to vote for George W again! We’d be in truly sorry shape in either of the idiots Algore or Nader had gotten elected.

  12. vi- you’re a half-wit. Go away. I can block you, but I’d much rather you just went away. You’re so oblivious I sincerely hope you’re too stupid to breed.

  13. Google bomb working? Just check and our link is 7th highest. 6th if you don’t include the subset on the first.


  14. We’ll probably need more of us involved (hell-o blog people!) before we make a difference. And more time. Google might not even have trawled over us yet. Aaron says this link would be a good one to use because it was already 6th. So no love yet.

  15. I know Google has trawled me since I’m gettin’ some Google searches for text phrases written after that post. So we gotta get more peeps in on it! :)

  16. *joins the ‘cuppa’ circle*

    It’s neat to read about what’s going on in everyone’s lives. Thanks for sharing guys! Happy Saturday night to you.

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