weekend update


High quality good times last night. A very satisfying reward for working most of the day in fairly determined rain. What was going to be a sociable pint with davin & Neil at Moxie’s Fear No Beer night turned predictably enough into the three of us plus Mike Phong, Chrissie & Richard and three hours later. Tess was amused, I’m sure. Of course she was. Servers always love us.

Yes, Chrissie. You should move to Seattle. Not that I advocate becoming American to anyone but it does sound like an adventure. Maybe you & Maigen can work out an exchange of identities to make emmigration easier.

Chrissie & Rich pulled the cord at midnight and the rest of us headed to Hush for Vespers’ set. On the way we got separated by a couple of banking missions and davin & I stole a minute to take advantage of some really obnoxious light in front of the Bay Center.

Vespers was in good form and I had a better time than usual at Hush. He played the Influenza remix of davin & anand’s (as Tiebreaker) Settle The Score, which sounded awesome on the big system. Chunky. Once again I’m reminded that I want to get into music production.

And somehow in there I managed to get a li’l drinky. I must not have been paying attention. But I made it home safe and davin & I chatted about various randomness for a while. davin – next time I see you you’ll be quoting Spotswood too.

Today’s projects: sort through more belongings and throw as much out as possible; finish design work on AT.ca so I can hand the project over to davin; clean the kitchen & bathroom; laundrify. I’ll see if I can jam most of my Sunday chores into my Saturday so I can actually relax on Sunday. Could happen.

Finally, of course, happy birthday to Stephen. The effect you’ve had on Jason is subtle and life-changing and all for the better. Even if I didn’t know you as well as I do I would still know you were Good People.

All right then. Off to work I go. Lots to do. SO much to do. I have a busy couple of months ahead of me: importing a girlfriend & moving to Vancouver to start a career in the tv & movie industry.

p.s. NINE more sleeps.

1 thought on “weekend update”

  1. Hi Adrian,
    Thanks for the idea for our wedding dj. It was great finally sharing an evening of frivolity with you and the boys :)

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