ass deficient

Hey Jaye – remember that time we thought it wouldn’t be a busy night at the UC?

Holy frickin’ Miss Cleo we ain’t.

I’m home. I need a shower. I lost four pounds in sweat. What a night for Erin to pick to start bussing. Poor girl. You know how you can have a club full of people and no one’s drinking? This was the opposite of that. I worked my ass off. See? No ass. I am currently experiencing ass-deficiency.

Jeremy bought a couple cases of beer for the gang to say thanks for a job well done. Nice.

I need that shower! According to some eager beavers it is now 7am, and I have to be up at the crack of… well, I promised Briana we’d tackle her headshots today so I do actually have to get up.

It was a lovely stroll home this morning, after a sociable good time hanging out with a few of the crew. Only the sketchiest and non-sketchiest of people are out at this hour on a Sunday. And those non-sketchy people are sketchy just because what the hell are they doing up so early on a Sunday?

And there are certain people in agreement that we will not out each other about any early morning McDonald’s.

I shower now. Happy sleeping. Happy Sunday. Happy daylight saving time.

1 thought on “ass deficient”

  1. I do agree that you were missing your ass on Saturday night, it was great to see you, as usual……what a crazy night! The girls and I had a blast….
    Don’t know what your plans are for Monday – there is a Cactus Club fundraiser at Central Bar and Grill…I am not working, but definitely drinking….are you in?

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