vegas, baby. vegas.

devil duck in the spotlight

I just remembered where my devil duck is. Not so long ago I was at Hugo’s with the trusty duck. He insisted on being sociable and he proceeded to do the rounds. Somewhere along the way I got distracted and forgot all about him.

I know. I’m a heel.

Anyway, I was in there very late NYE (very early?) and there he was, strutting his stuff above the bar. Not only that but he’d gathered some compadres. Who knew he was a trend setter.

If you’re in there be sure to say hi & give him a kiss. In fact- what would be super fantastic coolness is if you got your picture taken with him and you sent the pic to me here. Holy uber-fun photo assignment. Send them to ME at the usual address here at No deadline. As long as the ducks are hanging out there I’ll accept compromising duck shots. But let’s shoot for two weeks, yeah?

Speaking of a couple weeks: Jen & I booked the Big Weekend. We leave for Bellingham with the Impromaniacs on Friday the 28th for a two-night gig at Ryan Stiles’ Upfront Theater with Unexpected Productions. Then we get up Sunday morning and jump on a plane for Vegas. This gives me the excuse I’ve been needing to get a 512meg CF card. Yup. That’s what I’m looking forward to.


We’ll spend a few days in Vegas and then jump on a totally different plane (most likely, although one can’t be too sure) and get back to Vic just in time for a couple hours’ nap before I trundle off to work Thursday, February 3.

What’re we going to do in Vegas? No idea. Jen wants to plan stuff. I figure I’ll go along and just walk around with my jaw hanging low. Then again, there’s talk of Zumanity. In the end I’m really not all that hung up on what we actually do. I want to see lots, have no idea where to start, and can have a good time just about anywhere. I’ll leave the fretting up to Jen (it’s her birthday, after all). She interprets this as not caring, or not being excited, but you & I know better. Je tres excited. It’s Vegas, baby. Vegas.

p.s. I have a Wacom Graphire tablet. I want to know why Windows keeps coveniently forgetting it’s there, forcing me to use it like a common mouse. I reboot and it reloads, but after a while (once a day or more) it’s gone again. It could be RAM related, I suppose. But I have an over-clocked 1.65 gigahertz processor and 768 megs of RAM. You’d think Windoze could keep up with a li’l ol’ graphics tablet. Stoopid Windoze. If there’s no fix I’d at least like to be able to reload the tablet without rebooting. Stoopid stoopid Windoze.

7 thoughts on “vegas, baby. vegas.”

  1. MISCHIFF….this photo assignment is going to be fun! I was sitting at Hugos on Saturday night only to notice your devil duck chillin’ out right beside me….(I think he was actually trying to hit on me) – either way – I am going back to get a picture of us together…just for you.
    I am soooo proud of you for letting your ducky travel and meet new people.

    get a shot with your nurses uniform

  2. For vegas, I recommend having a drink in every casino, flying over the desert if you have the opportunity (or cash flow), seeing a show (not the Celine kind), buffet tables, getting drunk, gambling and doin it in the hotel pool cabanas.

  3. Jaime, good morning..i assure you i will try and show the rookie all the best there is to see in sin city! and if i can pry the camera out of his hands long enough i will work on that cabana thingy you mentioned! sounds fun! :oP

  4. I know I’ll be agog. I’m just wondering how much I’ll be restricted with the camera. Jen says it’s no problem in the casinos but we shall see.

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