Heart Kate #Repost @katebeckinsale ・・・
I mostly don’t see things like this but it was sent to me with some mirth and while,yes,it can be funny to read untrue things about yourself ,I’ve been aware for years,,(with this newspaper but by no means confined to it),of how the glee in shaming women , often with lies like this,is so much darker and further reaching than enjoying a little schadenfreude that some model looks rough without makeup.The tactic to create cultural shame for things that are truly beyond our control,for example GAINING WEIGHT WHEN PREGNANT,HAVING SHORT LEGS OR BIG ANKLES,OR LOWER BOOBS THAN A BARBIE,AGEING,HAVING BIG EARS/LONG TOES,,BEING MENOPAUSAL,is an archaic but pretty clever trick. It’s mostly hitting females when they are objectively at their most powerful,creating life,growing into themselves emotionally and intellectually, and the knee jerk rush to bully her body in pregnancy and afterwards,her age, her cellulite, hacking a phone for private photos and mocking her vagina,trickles down from the one shamed woman and leaks into our whole culture,becomes a source of shame to be avoided by all women,all of us participating in this flight from shame ABOUT the stuff that makes women women.Let’s resist being distracted and tormented by what our bodies are naturally doing and free that energy for joy and to effect change.It’s not going to stop tomorrow.A whole raft of women will be picked apart for a million things tomorrow.I urge us all,as females,to see it for what it is.Fear of YOU.Fear of the magical mystery shit a woman can do with her magical body.Fear of what she can withhold or bestow.It’s the same impulse to reduce the power of a pretty girl who wouldn’t date you in school by becoming a big boss and getting your penis out at a meeting it made you feel powerful to set,knowing what you were going to do.It’s fear.Don’t let it in.Let’s see it as fear and try to mend it together,rationally and peacefully.I’m not manbashing.I’m not even newspaper bashing.I just want to get to where this nonsense feels as archaic as smoking on planes-we put up with it,it harmed us,and we don’t miss it .I turned eleven years older over Thanksgiving.
I mostly don’t see things like this but it was sent to me with some mirth and while,yes,it can be funny to read untrue things about yourself ,I’ve been aware for years,,(with this newspaper but by no means confined to it),of how the glee in shaming women , often with lies like this,is so much darker and further reaching than enjoying a little schadenfreude that some model looks rough without makeup.The tactic to create cultural shame for things that are truly beyond our control,for example GAINING WEIGHT WHEN PREGNANT,HAVING SHORT LEGS OR BIG ANKLES,OR LOWER BOOBS THAN A BARBIE,AGEING,HAVING BIG EARS/LONG TOES,,BEING MENOPAUSAL,is an archaic but pretty clever trick. It’s mostly hitting females when they are objectively at their most powerful,creating life,growing into themselves emotionally and intellectually, and the knee jerk rush to bully her body in pregnancy and afterwards,her age, her cellulite, hacking a phone for private photos and mocking her vagina,trickles down from the one shamed woman and leaks into our whole culture,becomes a source of shame to be avoided by all women,all of us participating in this flight from shame ABOUT the stuff that makes women women.Let’s resist being distracted and tormented by what our bodies are naturally doing and free that energy for joy and to effect change.It’s not going to stop tomorrow.A whole raft of women will be picked apart for a million things tomorrow.I urge us all,as females,to see it for what it is.Fear of YOU.Fear of the magical mystery shit a woman can do with her magical body.Fear of what she can withhold or bestow.It’s the same impulse to reduce the power of a pretty girl who wouldn’t date you in school by becoming a big boss and getting your penis out at a meeting it made you feel powerful to set,knowing what you were going to do.It’s fear.Don’t let it in.Let’s see it as fear and try to mend it together,rationally and peacefully.I’m not manbashing.I’m not even newspaper bashing.I just want to get to where this nonsense feels as archaic as smoking on planes-we put up with it,it harmed us,and we don’t miss it .I turned eleven years older over Thanksgiving.