all up in the chrismizz

How was your Sunday?  Christmassy?  MaxiChristmassy?  MegaYule?  Marjorie and Avery hung out at home today while I combed the Upper East Side for gifties and stocking stufferage.  By my estimate I walked about ninety blocks.  No giant ass Snickers, though I could have used the snack/meal/enough to feed a family of four for a week.  I had a good time on the hunt, but I wasn’t sad when it was over.  Bit of a sore knee.  I did find some goodies, but I think I’m going to have to go out there one more time… there’s a lot of New York.  Or at least there are a few more blank spots on the checklist.

I am probably a pain in the ass to shop for.  True story.  I tend to have everything I want already.  Beautiful family, good friends, fantastic job in the greatest city in the world.  All the toys a man could want.  The toys I don’t have but want are prohibitively expensive.  A new monitor, maybe.  How about a new lens for the ol’ point & shoot?  Time to upgrade the camera too?  A new set of wheels maybe.  A new car would be nice… or should I be thinking more like a family man?  A nice family vacation?

See?  A bit disproportionate to my current economic status.  Perhaps just a new t-shirt then.  Oh, which reminds me:

If you’re looking for the fun way to throw some support at the victims of Hurricane Sandy, these shirts will do that.  Every dime will go to relief efforts – I’ll publish the details on the Chaos Complex website at the end of the tax season.  We hoped to have our own silk screener for this, but that somehow wandered away.  So, we made a Zazzle store.  Lots less profit (donation) but also no overhead.  Here’s the flash window, maybe, if it works, and in case you’re not on an iOS device:

View more gifts at Zazzle.

And if it there’s nothing there, just click the link.  I’m too tired to mess with the html right now.  I’m sure you’ll hear more about the shirts over the next few days.  We really want to do something fun but meaningful to help out.  And hey, that shirt is fun.

Meanwhile, kids, it’s time for bed!  May your Monday be shiny.  Hugs and such.

1 thought on “all up in the chrismizz”

  1. I must say that I find myself wanting for little this Christmas. Same with last Christmas. I am fulfilled in my personal life and my work. My schedule for Christmas morning consists of sleeping in followed by coffee in bed. And perhaps a bike ride on the cruisers if the weather co-operates as the forecast suggests. Good luck with your shopping :)

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