vote karmically

Adorable Outtake #1.

Because she’s gorgeous like that.  TYVM.

WELL!  Here we are.  Election Eve.  I reside in a country in which I have no vote.  Kind of like women not so long ago.  Or anyone else who couldn’t own property.  Though I guess I am welcome to own property.  Bad comparison.  Just the women, then.  Right.  Anyway, at least I get to pay taxes.  Sigh.  Nate Silver says the election is a done deal, and that’s comforting.  But I hope Democrat and so-called undecided voters remain blissfully unaware of his confidence, because they are notorious for not bothering to show up if they think their vote doesn’t matter.  Hence the Bush years.  For the love of all that is holy, people, if you appreciate what your country represents, get your ass out of bed and vote.  It matters.  Insert passionate line about civic responsibility here.  And yes, I promise to submit my absentee ballot for the next Canadian election.  May you non-confrontational ambivalents please make that happen before 2015.  Your country and environment can only take so much, whatever you might like to think.

So if Nate’s stats analysis proves correct, as it has for the last half dozen years or so, we can look forward to another four years of… what?  Republican stonewalling?  I’m hoping that, relieved of the need to spend the latter half of his term campaigning for re-election, Obama will be able to drop the hammer with a little more authority, and get some work done.

Anywhoo. I’ll watch Stewart and Colbert’s live coverage of the election tomorrow night to see how it goes.  Or went.  And then we’ll all wake up Wednesday in a brave new world.  Of more politics and partisan bullshit.  Boo.

Moving on.  An old acquaintance is in town for his 40th birthday.  He’s a good mate of Lee’s from the Victoria days, and I know him through various angles of the Vic bar scene.  We used to call him The Kid.  Now most people call him Jason.  Weird.  Probably less confusing overall, since he has a girl who’s about to turn 9.  Man, it’s been a long time.  It was excellent to hang out with him this evening and, crazy as it sounds, get to know him better.  He’s a good man with a boatload of stories.  Reminds me of somebody that way.  I’m looking forward to hanging some more while he’s here.  So strange how that relatively brief period of my life spent in Victoria has been so impactful, so far reaching.  I would say to you, dear reader, that you would do yourself a great service to try to be present in every moment, because you never can tell which of those moments will pay dividends a thousand times over later in life.  Also, don’t be a dick to people (see first point).

Thing poking my brain – remember those Italian honeymoon pics?  Haven’t touched them since.  Bought printer ink though, so that’s something.

Thing poking my brain – did not return that call yet.  The one possibly from the guy who hit me with a truck.  I’m thinking I will:

Thing poking my brain – get an x-ray.  Ibuprofen is working like a charm, but I can’t stay on that indefinitely, so it’s maybe time to find out what my insides look like.  Then, informed and with a clear conscience, I can:

Think poking my brain – return that call.  So his conscience can also be clear.  I’ll see if my chiropractor can refer me.  Closest thing I have to a doctor.

Man, karma can be a lot of work.  Like, imagine what horrors will be visited upon you if you haven’t been doling out the requisite hugs whenever you read my blog.  I shudder at the thought.  Tell you what, I’m going to bed now, and we’ll call it even if you go forth and, in the next 24 hours, find just one person to hug that you haven’t hugged before.  And if they ask why you hugged them, don’t tell them it was because they looked like they needed it.  Tell them it was because they looked like they were worth it.  There’s a difference.

Hugs.  There’s your answer.  Take care of each other.  Vote karmically.