full steam

Gramma, Grampa, and Avery Peppermint

Gramma and Grampa Taverner are headed back home in the morning.  That flew by.  Next time they see Avery she’ll be playing basketball!  A chubby six foot basketball player!

She hasn’t had any trouble with feeding since last night’s return-to-sender.  We reckon we just gave her too much – she kept drinking, so we kept trying to fill the tank.  We think we’ve found the rhythm now.  It will be a week of catching sleep maybe three hours at a stretch, spaced with one hour (45?) feedings.  If I don’t answer the phone before 11, you’ll know why.

Little Peppermint seems happier – and I’ll be danged if her belly ain’t twice the size it was this time yesterday.  Tomorrow it will all be baby fat.  Goodbye chicken wings!  She’ll be a Christmas Turkey just in time!  She’s calm and sociable, and all around seems back on track.  Whew.  More news as it happens.

There was a ton of other stuff I wanted to chat about, but here’s making good on my promise to go to bed earlier.  Bbye!