who… me?

You’ll recall Bush sent a missive to OPEC asking them to lower their price per barrel in the face of mounting concern of recession and gas prices at $3 per gallon.

“Please, Mr Arab, please lower your prices so Americalanders won’t slump into recession.  You are the only one who can save us.”

Anyone with half a brain was wondering why on Earth he would even bother making the statement, when we all know perfectly well that prices at the pump are hardly controlled by a mysterious consortium of shady brown men across the ocean.  It’s a shady consortium of white guys right here at home that is raking in the profits.

But don’t take my word for it.  They’ll happily announce it themselves.  Shell is making stunning profits.  And if they’re making a profit you know their shareholders are singing all the way to the bank.  And the government makes more per gallon than they do, so…. Just how dumb does the Bush administration think Americans are?

Remember how much an American paid per gallon under the Clinton administration?  Ninety six cents.  Remember the good ol’ days, grampa?  Seven years ago?

History will record GW Bush as the worst president so far, with completely irresponsible economic and geopolitical management of not only his own country, but others as well.  Unless, of course, that history is written by his cronies, who have made more money in the past seven years than you or I can conceive of.