Them, The People

Huckabee proposes amending the American Constitution to oppose abortion, reflecting “God’s standards”.

This says to me not how wacked out Huckabee is, but how little the very principles of the document matter to anyone anymore.

Huckabee faithfully represents his own beliefs, which are Right Wing, Conservative, and very Religious.  All caps intended.  Even though I think he’s tragically misguided I do respect the strength of his conviction.  Other than his painfully narrow world I think he’s a Really Nice Guy.

But to amend the Constitution, which guarantees various individual rights and freedoms, to restrict those very freedoms, is just another symptom of how far the Decadent West really has fallen back toward imperialism.  As in Rome.  As in rotting from the inside in arrogance and ignorance.

The very idea of placing religious moralization, by his own admission, in the very document guaranteeing freedom from such constraints, simply staggers me.

I’ve said as much already, of course.  It just boggles the mind that a nation can so diametrically oppose its own stated, even sanctified, principles.

But what do I know?