the whassup

I’m not around much. Always something going on that takes me away. I fly through FB because I can hit lots of people at once, or at least that’s the intention. Don’t get to posting on the ol’ blog much. If you’re still a die-hard reader then my heartfelt thanks to you. I wish I were more frequently entertaining.

In the news: I have a photography installation at the Players Chophouse here in Vancouver, Beatty at Robson. It’s a ginormous projection screen presentation of a hundred frames suitable for the venue. The show is around half an hour long, repeating. If you’d like some really, seriously good food while you get a decent survey of my photography, this is the opportunity. Now I really need to update the portfolio website.

Maigen had a rant published in the Westender. She took umbrage with a review of Players written by an ex-waiter turned foodie. Offered to kick him in the klinkies. In print. Made me smile, as did her mention of the photo installation.

My feet hurt. I have it on good authority that I’ve got a little of the ol’ plantar faciitis. Stoopid high arches. Stoopid 15-hour days on my feet. So I’m left with a fairly serious conundrum. Continue my quest for pervasive knowledge of film production on-set? Or admit common sense and find some more sensible employ not involving standing for 15 hours at a stretch.

Tough one.

I believe I will fast-track the experience train a little, take some risk, see if I can’t get behind the camera sooner rather than later. If Avi (my good friend the DP) follows through on his threat to move to LA by January I will have lost my handy link to that fast track. So I’d best hustle a little and commit.

There. That wasn’t so hard. Unlike finding a way to pay the bills in the meantime.

Career priorities in no particular order: become a qualified camera op; pursue experience as a sound editor; develop notoriety as a professional art photographer; push a certain group of friends into a full-fledged production company; do something with that damned script idea.

That’s the log-jam. I can’t seem to crack anything out of that as a clear winner for my time. Hopefully I won’t have to.

1. I will never again, not with a gun to my head, buy a computer from Future Shop

2. Subject to the same gun-to-head treatment, neither will I ever (not ever) buy an HP, Compaq, or Vista machine from anyone.

3. Vista blows.

4. Anyone want to buy my two-month old HP Compaq Vista (Premium) dual-core computer? Works fucking fantastic unless you want to play MMRPGs online or compress dual-layer dvd files.

In other news, we’re contemplating moving to New York. Fuckin’ Shazam.

2 thoughts on “the whassup”

  1. Hey Dan! Lo-o-o-ong time. Good to see you. In print. You know what I mean. EQ2 is the game. Maigen just bought herself an account and she plays on her laptop with one measly gig of RAM. Me, with my dualie processors and two gigs, I get to play for about ten minutes on my box before it implodes. I do suspect bad RAM, but I can’t justify replacing it when I’m eying a Mac Pro with lustful eyes. So no EQ2 for me for now. Probably for the best anyway. And how are you?

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