The Cat in the (Medicine) Hat

Guess I’m hung up on the idea that blogs should be relevant and interesting. But they really don’t have to be. Blogs are so the rest of the world can have a look at what’s up in your world, be it pithy or trivial.

Maigen and I took the cat to see some of the world. His first road trip. He’s a champ. Bit of a sniffle now but a champ, no doubt. Lots of pics in process. Probably to end up on the FB profile. That’s where, as predicted, most of my online life takes place.

The pilot episode of Flash aired. It’s getting very (very) painful reviews. The version I downloaded had messed up audio, so I’m trying again, so I can see it before passing judgment myself. Still, when you read about a hundred reviews and only one has anything positive to say, and that guardedly, you have to wonder.

I quit the on-set key position. No more show-call locations for this guy. Not that far out of town, anyway. I’ll be day-calling on Flash and various other shows, in various positions, til I can get myself on track for… something. I still have too many interests, and the more I learn about the industry the more I realize two things- I’m interested in a lot of positions; and I could do any of them very well. Dammit. So I need to do more research, explore other connections. See if I can’t get myself on a path with some sort of stability. Maybe New York. Maybe Calgary. Maybe right here. What a crazy life.

The road trip was awesome, btw. We took the Cat to the Hat, oh yes we did.

the Cat in the Hat

Wow.  I just plowed through my margins, didn’t I.  Ha!  More later.  Thanks for dropping in.  Feel free to say hullo so I know you’re still out there.