the bright lights in the vampire’s bedroom


How many people out there have actually worked a fifteen hour day? Granted, there are far worse places to spend 15 hours than a production set. We’re well-fed and nobody hardly ever gets whipped. Depending on the script.

Still, two hours in my car commuting plus the fifteen actually on the clock… it’s really no wonder most people in the industry are either single or married to other industry people. This is important to note when you look at the failure rate of Hollywood relationships. Hard to stay happily hitched to someone you see maybe three months out of the year. I figure that’s why they maneuver to do movies together, so they at least get to spend a few days in bed with each other, even if it is on camera.

My so-called workout regimen is trashed. After a few days like that you really don’t feel inspired to thrash your body some more.

Nevertheless, you won’t catch me complaining. It’s all so very interesting (when it isn’t really boring). I have no idea where I want to go with it, which is fun. I’ll just keep talking to people, see where I get tugged. Lately I’ve been thinking seriously about voice acting again, which is an entirely different direction (again). Closer to the audio post. And then there’s the whole Director of Photography thing, which is fascinating, too.

So who knows? I’m just very lucky to be able to mess around with all my interests. Not getting rich, by any means. But I still feel lucky.