take it to them

Sooner or later there will come a rock solid technology that lets the layman take the war to the scammers and spammers. This will spawn a whole new industry, where people will happily pay a few dollars to add their strength to the masses in global retaliation against spammers and scammers. I wouldn’t think twice about paying for shareware to combat those fuckers who spend their time dreaming up new schemes to clog inboxes and swindle old ladies.

It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just give me a simple point and shoot that lets me load in a few thousand junk emails and, perhaps in cooperation with a global aggregate, targets the source. Any online business employing spammers would be immediately and irrevocably swarmed with, perhaps, a copy or two of every email they are responsible for sending out.  Often these are legit businesses who think they are buying confirmed opt-in email addresses but I have no sympathy.  Let them take it up with the guy they bought them from.
And the scammers hailing from Nigeria and such… for them we need software that lets us waste their time and money. Automated baiting, where seemingly legitimate sounding emails from seemingly legitimate victims are merely computer-generated wastes of time, luring scammers into a first, second and even third response. All automated. All background stuff that we never have to see. They have to search through their spam looking for legitimate victims, whereas the whole point for the rest of us is to never have to deal with the bad guys. Am I making any sense here? Just make it so damned inconvenient for anyone to attempt mass internet crime that no one bothers. That’s the goal of this lady in Australia, and communities like Fraud Watchers.

Seriously, now.  Give me an app that I can use to fight back (especially against blog spammers!!!11) and I will give you money.  Someone’s going to get ridiculously wealthy destroying spammers and scammers, and I will happily do my part to make that happen.

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