Big Brother pwns your punk ass

There are only two kinds of people out there looking forward to Vista, Microsoft’s replacement for XP: the hopelessly naive and the MS stakeholders.

Vista, while shamelessly ripping off Mac OS X, also comes with the added bonus of taking over your computer. It will not let you perform functions it doesn’t think you should be allowed to. At its grandest level, this concept is an attempt to circumvent piracy and force the world to use licensed copies of Microsoft’s operating system. Tons (and tons and tons) more money for Microsoft and its partners, seriously bad news for the open source world.

Imagine being prevented from installing freeware programs not sanctioned by MS. Imagine trying to install your printer software and Vista doesn’t recognize it and therefore won’t let you use it. Imagine your computer sealing functionality off.

Loading Vista is the equivalent of inviting Big Brother in to watch your every move over your shoulder. It is an ugly black monster of DRM at its worst.  Don’t like spyware? Then don’t even consider Vista. But don’t take my word for it. has lots more to say on the subject.