yeah but

I’m torn.  With Canada’s commitment to Kyoto evidently just a political maneuver we were flabbergasted when Harper nuked most of our environmental initiatives.  We were dumbfounded when, two months later and still reeling from the fallout, he introduced painfully unrealistic emissions goals for almost fifty years down the road.  Naturally, the public was not amused.

Now, Jack Layton (NDP), leader of the opposition, has tabled a proposition for more timely measures.  Politically, an obvious but not unwelcome move.  Nevertheless I’m left wondering why we can’t just follow through on our original commitment.  Why can’t our government do more to educate and empower its citizens to be proactive?  Why not actually try that corporate points-for-pollution idea?

I don’t know.  I’m glad Layton is doing something in a country acknowledged The Big Kyoto Failure, but I don’t see why we can’t just get back on track.

2 thoughts on “yeah but”

  1. Because the conventional “wisdom” is that Kyoto is just out to destroy Canada (and Alberta!!!!).

    Funnily enough the Study that the UK released yesterday indicated that it will cost the world economy ~3% to combat climate change NOW vs. 20%+ if we wait until it hits us over the head.

    But hey, why pay a little now if you can just wait and pay a lot more later, after all you’re taking the riches NOW.

    See also:

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