link alert

Hey! I’m going to update my sidebar. If you’d like me to continue linking to your dead zone of a web site you should at least let me know you intend to do something with it. If it’s just a rotting carcass of webstate then we can quietly let it die and I’ll retire your link. We’ll have a proper wake with cheesy poofs and Guinness.

If you don’t currently have a link and would like me to add one, send me some sort of graphic I can use to make a button. Send it now. I’ll aim to update… oh… next week-ish.

Remember to give thanks for something this weekend. You ungrateful wretches. [muah]

5 thoughts on “link alert”

  1. So, all I write about these days is what I fed my kids for breakfast, you know the usual soccer mom drivel, but at least I write. The main reason for starting the blog was for the out of town grandparents and such, so if you want to kill the link you can. If you want a Xmas pressie though, you won’t!

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