the reception at shawnigan

I was hoping for more submissions from other snappers before posting the album, but I’m tired of waiting. I reckon I’ll add a few more as they trickle in, so stay tuned. (hey snappers! trickle in!) Meanwhile, here are a precious few shots from the reception at shawnigan. There aren’t many. I must have been having a good time. Bruising my ribs. Woo!

Our huge and eternal thanks to Cara, first and foremost, for sandbagging this li’l shindig. Without her at the wheel it simply would not have happened. Also our heartfelt gratitude to Neil, who is that guy you can count on, who understands many of the unspoken rules of guy-friendship without getting all gay about it, and who brought the ski boat. rar.

Our thanks, as well, to Colleen and Bart, who let us run rampant on their gorgeous slice of prime lakefront.

I have a couple more shots still waiting for editing, but don’t wait for me. I’ll add them later.

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