I’ve been unhappy with the blog for a long time now. Infrequent posting is as much a symptom of discontent with the content as it is the general happiness of my life. When your best friend is with you almost all of the time you find yourself with less to say to the web in general. I rant & rave IRL, so there’s less energy for it by the time I have a keyboard in front of me.
But having someone to talk to is just part of it. The raison d’etre of this venue has become less defined. A little wander-ish. Talking about work online has never been an advisable thing and when it’s as glamorous as managing a building there doesn’t seem to be much draw. Oh I could tell stories. You would find them hilarious and outrageous. But that would not be wise. No, one doesn’t talk about work.
One also doesn’t openly vent to the world about one’s relationship if one has an ounce of sense.
What I’d like to do is just say sod it all and write my blog as it wants to be written – by me for me and damn at least half the consequences. What I will most likely do is continue muddling along about whatever fun things are going on in my world. Maybe I’ll aim for a middle ground, where I can be more communicative here (and frequent) while still maintaining the public digestibility. Damning, say, 20% of the consequences.
I want to write more, at any rate.