belidonkeys & pirates, yo ho!


In just over three days Jaime takes off for Rome. Hawt. She’s taking Belidonkey (her only “adrian souvenir”) with her. Doublehawt! She’s promised to take pictures with him, at least one munching Italian pizza on my birthday! Triplehawtcore!

Even more fabulous news: Maigen has had one of her pieces published as a feature at Intrepid Media. Read it here. So fun. I do hope she keeps writing. And I’m willing to provide more fuel as necessary. That girl is so talented. Writing, painting, all things crafty. I begin to suspect I may have to keep her. Hello, Ms Muse.

Speaking of Maigen, Jason came by last night with Dave to borrow the rav tent and we hatched a plot to keep her in the country if all else fails. Everybody wins! For now we’ll keep that under our hats but if we have to go to the backup plan you will hear all about it. Probably for the rest of your life. Because it’s that good. Hee! Man, when you put me in a room with Jason & Dave you’re guaranteed to get your money’s worth in entertainment. Or at least we do.

Entertainment. I’m staying in tonight and possibly all day tomorrow, and it’s not because my voice is thrashed from pirating all day today. I’m compiling music for Sunday night at Sauce. Even if it’s a school night for you I hope to see you there at least for a while. I’ve got high hopes for the night. Groovy sauce.

Tomorrow night of course is Saturday, featuring the Impromaniacs in their presentation of Six Degrees of Improvisation. If you don’t know what improv is try to imagine half a dozen people on stage spontaneously making up entire plays based on a few suggestions from the audience. What’s exciting for me about this presentation is the model. We’ll be starting with approximately six comepletely different scenes and gradually painting the Big Picture where they all intertwine, sometimes in obvious ways and sometimes in exquisitely clever little details. It’s the most fun model I’ve played so far because there’s so much room for the audience to be involved in the story. They get to paint the picture along with us, sometimes seeing connections even before we do. I first saw the model played in Vancouver in January of 2004 and I was absolutely floored at the subtlety and art behind it. Blown away. You may have seen the General Fools perform at last year’s Improv Festival. Similar idea. Hugely entertaining. Way more fun than a movie, for example, because it all happens only once, completely unpredictably. You’ll never see that story again. Performance art. Anyway, Saturday’s shows are detailed over at the Impromaniacs’ website.

The pirating today was thoroughly fun even if my voice is thrashed. We sang, we marched, we raided, we handed out gold doubloons. In fact,

We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!
We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate’s life for me.

We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!
Maraud and embezzle and even hijack.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate’s life for me.

We kindle and char, inflame and ignite.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!
We burn up the city, we’re really a fright.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate’s life for me.

We’re rascals, scoundrels, villans and knaves.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!
We’re devils and black sheep, really bad eggs!
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate’s life for me.

We’re beggars and blighters and ne’er-do-well cads.
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!
Aye! But we’re loved by our mommies and dads!
Drink up me ‘earties, Yo Ho!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate’s life for me.
Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate’s life for me.


I was busy pirating so I’m relying on Jonathan & co to supply me with some pics to share. We had a realy good time with it. We entertained hundreds, posed for holiday shots, and made lots of kids grin (even if it was a nervous grin with a toothy pirate in their faces).

Note: there is no better way to get the attention of a crowd than to engage in a sword fight on a bridge.

I think that’s all the news…

What? The interview? Oh that. I describe it as “medium great”. The good news is she’s game to bring me on board and I will most likely be moving to Vancouver. “Most likely?” you ask. She wants me to do some volunteer work as training. There’s a ton that I just have to know by the time they hand responsibility over to me. I work pretty much independently and what I do forms the basis of what could be the next two years’ production on a movie. If I make a mistake it can drag the whole works down. So yes, I need to know what I’m doing inside & out, because there’s no net. I’m almost rabid with excitement. The hitch, then, is managing to finance a move to Van while volunteering weeks of my time. And feeding myself once in a while, maybe, if there’s room in the budget.

Yes, Maigen will be here too. I’m so happy about that my heads wants to float off my neck (which could adversely affect her desire to hang around). She’s determined to be self-sufficient here, which I love, but I refuse to have us in a position where money (a temporary lack of) could cause friction. I’m not sure how I’m going to make all this happen. I’m going to keel-haul into a presentable vehicle as soon as possible and sell some of my favorite shots as large honest-and-for-real limited edition prints. Very limited. Like, three. Once they’re sold they’ll be retired. I’m open to suggestions for appropriate images so by all means chime in.

It’s a shame about money. I’d much rather just stick with this hot, syrupy elation about everything else. Life is just so smashingly good right now.

p.s. Great news was recently added to the intercostal neuralgia post. Just glad to help, ma’am. =)

1 thought on “belidonkeys & pirates, yo ho!”

  1. YOU’RE excited!? Pffft. I am the one who keeps mentioning to everyone who will listen exactly how many days, hours, seconds and milliseconds I have left until you arrive, and until I leave.

    I give notice on Monday to both of my jobs. A full two weeks. Then a week at the family reunion. Then you get here. Then…life starts.

    Teehee… I’m here for ya, Adrian.

    SHAM! :)

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