adrian taverner - 34

June 29, 2:30-ish AM, 1971. Adrian arrives. For many this defines the beginning of what would one day become widely known as Adrian’s life.

So tonight, after I’ve been asleep for (hopefully) three or four hours I will quietly turn 34. Cool. I keep forgetting. It’s not Alzheimer’s. It’s all the other excitement going on. And by “all the other excitement going on” I mean “Maigen”. A slight change in those plans: she’s going to sell the car and we’ll fly back. It gives us a few more days for me to meet people and it keeps several hundred bucks a month in her pocket. I was really looking forward to the road trip but no one can argue this doesn’t make a lot of sense.

So. Thirty-four. What does it feel like? I dunno. To me it feels about the same as the last bunch, except that this birthday occurs in The Year Of Massive Change. I am certainly excited about all that. All the other excitement going on.

Silvia’s leaving town again on her way back to Australia and her fabulous life there so the Impromaniacs are hooking up at Moxie’s for a sociable. I reckon I’ll go join them for one. She may not come back this time.

In other news, Jason posted a link to this informative look at the Miracle of Life… sort of.

Right then, if I’m going to get to sleep before 11 I’d better get myself down to Moxie’s. Happy Wednesday to all, and happy birthday to me. Thank you for being part of the last 34 years. Here’s looking forward.

20 thoughts on “34”

  1. Happy 34th Adrian!

    I’m so very happy to be a part of the last few years. Here’s to kinship, fun, insight, good times, crazy talks, mojo and all those other things we share!

    Cheers brutha!


    Happy happy birthday Adrian!!

    luv tammie

    I won’t torture you by singing the rest. :)

  3. Happy Birthday!!! Year-of-massive-change sounds more like Year-of-massive-joy, which I look forward to reading a lot more about. Thanks for sharing!

  4. (For the record: your time of birth gives you a borderline Taurus/Gemini rising… I’m making it my mission to find out which.)

  5. Happy birthday, Adrian!

    You know I love you lots. Obviously. You have one amazing special power: you are one of the very very VERY few people who can consistently make me laugh until I can’t breathe.

    Enjoy your day… man, I remember waaaaaay back to when you turned 32 and I harrassed you because I was your age backwards. :)

  6. Have a great birthday Adrian. If you’re downtown and around Darcy’s tonight, please stop in and say hi.

    I promise to keep my pants on.

    … mostly.

  7. Muah!!

    At least I’m around for this one!!

    So… tell me about the party the night y’all get here. It’ll be the night before I leave, so great timing.

  8. happy birthday, b-day twin!
    i even sent you a b-day text msg today, which is monumental in my world.

    (me = worst texter ever)

    hopefully you actually got it!!
    have a great year, darlin’ – yeehaw!


  9. Thanks guys! It’s been a very satisfying b-day, and a very sincere thanks to everyone who took a moment to make it so. big hugs.

  10. hippo birdy mischiff.

    i was just par00sing your new girl’s site and discovered that she and I are birthday twins. an oddly popular one as there is another prominent blogger who shares the july 20 as their day of life celebration.

    glad you are smilin

    I am sorry I missed out.
    It sounds like you are enjoying life these days!
    CONGRATS on everything so far, and everything to come in the next year.
    I have no doubt it will be the best year yet!

  12. Cara yelled at me to come wish you a Happy Birthday. And who doesn’t love giving birthday wishes?

    You have yourself a great birthday turning 34 and I wish you a fantastic year!

    Now… who’s got the beer?


  13. Happy belated Luv!! I tried to find a internet cafe onthe 29th, but we were in the middle of nowhere, and my mom had just lost her purse….. it’s been an interesting week, and I need to blog it, but my first stop was here. Muah!! Hope it was fun!!

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