
Twenty one hours ago I got out of bed. To be fair I’ve spent one and a half of those hours at home: one getting ready for work, and the other half getting ready for work.

The first job was eleven and a half hours. Installing and couching light fixtures in landscaped forest, pond & creek and around a natural-look series of pools and waterfalls. I’ve posted a couple pics in the past. I’ll get some more up soon. I really really really want to go up there at night. The place must look amazing.

I still hate getting up so early, but I have to say I get a lot of job satisfaction out of that place.

Got home at 8:30, showered and bolted for the club. That was easy- only six hours. I started a half hour late and got no help. I don’t understand this guy at all.

Life’s too short. Seriously.

Taking my own advice I will consider the matter as dropped as it always is. And go to bed. Before I start to believe the hallucinations. =P