what’s new


Suddenly I have a ton of pictures & graphics work to do. Some of it I’m even getting paid for. Rent is still more mirage than money in the bank, but things are headed in the right direction. Shannon stopped by today to pick up her prints and she seemed happy with them. Krista promised to get the cheque in the mail and I promised to get her prints on their way as well.

davin and I chatted about the portfolio site and he sent over a couple of drafts for the front page. Very exciting stuff and he is clearly the right guy for the job.

I actually made it to improv this week. I’ve missed the five previous weeks for one reason or another and it was good to be back. I missed everybody. Even though I’m rusty as hell I think the break was a good thing. Sometimes you need to put a book down for a while to appreciate it. The company is focusing on the elements of long-form improv, which is exactly what I want to be doing. I find with short-form I’m too easily drawn into comedy, and if I’m going to develop I need to work hard on story-telling rather than an easy drum riff. I also need to pay more attention to the theory and models behind it.

Neil asked if I wanted to go back to landscaping a couple days a week. I like building stone staircases and fountains and I like creating terraced gardens and I like manhandling trees into position and I like sweating under heavy loads for hours on end. I don’t like early mornings or working in cold rain or cutting trenches and I don’t like being treated like a half-wit just because I don’t know which saw to use when cutting six-inch pipes. Lack of experience does not equal lack of intelligence. This also means that some of my suggestions may actually have merit.

That said, I would say I enjoyed the job last summer more than half the time. I certainly appreciated them taking me on in spite of the lack of experience. I did have a kick-ass farmer’s tan and I did shed twenty pounds or so.

So. I said yes. Transport is an issue, of course. I don’t have wheels. I have a Cadillac of Cameras instead. So I said to count me in when the opportunity to pick me up on the way presents itself. We’ll see what that shakes out to.

Meanwhile I’ve got my hands full for the next week or so with pictures and graphics. I’ve got silly high standards for these prints I’m selling, so my $20 per 8×10 is working out to about $5 an hour. Not that you should sympathize. I need the work. Buy my pics! =)

In other news Judd at some point made metroblogs.net into a shiny new resource with a shimmery bouquet of RSS feeds. Did you know RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication? That’s hardly magic at all. Anyway, metroblogs.net is now a very handy bookmark to have. One-stop shopping and such. I linked it over in the slowly expanding sidebar. –>

If I may pimp for one sec here, I know you’ve been thinking about starting your own blog. Maybe you’ve even got one with blogdrive or blogger or any of a hojillion other free blogs and you’re getting really sick of the downtime and slow loads and lost entries and lack of features. We at Metroblogs.net want to help. For just pennies a day you can have your own website with your own domain name, with all the features you want and none of the hassle. Call now. Operators are standing by. Don’t you owe it to yourself? And if not for you, won’t you please think of the children?

1 thought on “what’s new”

  1. Jesus! I really have to PAY Judd, dammit.

    He’s so elusive, though!

    I know! He is ‘going to get back to me when he is ready to accept payments’.

    Too bad he isn’t in the housing market.

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