
penny arcade

Well. That’s that then. After my last post I took advantage of a one on one conversation with our GM to ask him flat out what his vision is for Thursdays. (This is taking forever to type- I have a persistent glass sliver in my left index finger and it’s driving me mad with my zany four finger typing style.)

He said Thursdays will be Special Event Night. Causes of all kinds can book the room and keep one hundred percent of the door. This is a good idea in spirit and I’m not going to debate its merits right now. There are a lot of great organizations in this town that could make awesome use of this venue with a deal like that.

For me, however, it means intermitent shifts as a dj and certainly no opportunity to build a regular crowd. It’s the old catch-22 that haunts clubs everywhere in the world: it’s hard to watch money run down the drain being open while trying to build a night, and you can’t build a night unless you’re open.

Some owners in Victoria try to work around this by closing the doors and spending a few thousand dollars on renovations and opening with a new name. This is especially handy when you’ve been closed for liquor violations anyway.

You open with a new name and a fresh new look and hope that people will give you a fresh new shot, and maybe roll that over all the way to a profitable Thursday or Sunday.

It’s easy to tell who doesn’t go out much because they’re constantly bemused at the dizzying change of club names. Then again… I’m kinda bemused as well, albeit not quite for the same reason.

Anyway, I told the GM up front that I couldn’t afford not to work and I would have to shop myself out. He accepted that and added that he hoped he wouldn’t lose me on the weekends because I’m developing into a great bar-back and I work my ass off. Thanks. I do work my ass off. I’m also considerably larger than the other bar-backs and constantly feel like I’m in the way, no matter how fast I’m moving. I’m glad our tarbenders have a sense of humour about it. I’m trying. =)

So. Need to work. Sunday night I’m planning on checking out Plan B, the sleeker and smaller joint where the One used to be (I know there’s at least one new owner- I’m not sure if it’s completely new ownership). Between you & me I’m hoping to talk to them about a night there. Levi mentioned it in passing a couple weeks ago but we haven’t talked since.

And what about a day job? Yes. I’m interested. If you, dearest reader, hear of anything for which you think I might be suited please let me know. In fact let them know I’m coming, give me a call, and I will mosey henceforth with unseemly haste. And I’ll make a real resume out of that what you been doing lately fact sheet in the sidebar.

I do have a job in mind, as Grant and Jason know. But I can’t really bide my time waiting for an opening. Maybe I should engineer a chance meeting with the Guy In Charge. Maybe I could convince him of the viablility of making room for li’l ol’ me. Maybe I’ve had one too many beer.

*sigh* moving on then.

I’ve sold seven pictures so far. Woo!


I know that’s only six but the last one got sold twice, one in reverse to make a diptych. And yes, the titles leave something to be desired but shnykees, d00d, if you can tell me how I can keep over 20000 images indexed so I can find them to sell them I’m all ears. This will do for now. It’s not pretty but it’s direct.

I think I have two more sales coming through some unreleased stuff I was conned into sharing. We shall see what she decides to do. And that puts me almost halfway to my goal. Rent is practically within grasp! =)

Woah. davin is up. Hullo, davin. Do you know it’s 5:37 in the a.m.?

I make a good point. I should go to bed, dammit. Hey. You. Call me. Let’s go for lunchcoffeesnacksbeerwalkingpictures. It’s been too long. And you know it.

4 thoughts on “volley”

  1. 0_:)


    Hey you! Good morning. I just woke up about 3 hours after you ended this post… haha!

    I am assuming you are talking to me… I didn’t get an email back from you, so I’d assumed that you were busy or something. I don’t have any plans today, so by all means– call me when you’re up and mobile. We’ll go from there.

    It’ll be faboo to see you.

  2. Too strange, I almost ordered that last one, with the stones, as well. When I first saw the photo line up I thought you had made a mistake on my order, or that I had forgotten to delete that one, then I read the blog! Congrats on the photo progress, and good luck with the rest of the job searching.

  3. I didn’t see you at plan b last night…..and I was looking for you….
    Good to see you on Saturday….Like usual, you were working your ass off. I hope they appreciate you….

  4. Sorry, pah-zhay. Saturday night I couldn’t get to sleep til 10:30 Sunday morning. And then I forced myself up at 2 so I would not be a ruin today. So I didn’t have it in me even though I knew I should really be there. Didn’t think I’d make a good impression as a zombie though. Good times?

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