rambly a.m.

mischiff's desktop (click for less small)
My current desktop. Click for less small.

My current definition of manliness (or uber if you’re a chick with something to prove): A shot of 151 taken through an 8″ straw. Enjoy it. You will probably only do it once. You pansy-ass prairy-fire drinkers can go back to the bench because you’re sitting this one out.

Shnykees. One too many Red Bull tonight. I’m so not asleep yet.

Judd was at the club tonight. Yes, it’s true. We managed to chat for a few minutes (they showed up early enough). It was very good to see him even if only for a minute.

mischiff: Watch your legs, guys. This mat is big & dirty.
Charlotte: YOU’re big & dirty.
[hugs & a high five]

It’s thoroughly Sunday now. I would like to do something outdoors today. Not softball at 11am, although I wish them all the best. I’m thinking more a happy walk in whatever weather Ma Nature sees fit to give us. Take some pictures. Walk aimlessly some more. Have a coffee somewhere and talk about whatev with whomever I’m with. With whom will I be? Ping me around noon. It’ll be less than six hours sleep (five by the time I actually manage to sleep, I’m betting) but I resolutely declare that I am exempt from all requirements to think all day Sunday. So that’s plenty o’ sleep, tyvm.

Stoopid noisy birds, all summery.

2 thoughts on “rambly a.m.”

  1. You may not complain about birds or summery things until summer reaches Thunder Bay.

    Can you hold your tongue until August?

    Hello Mr. Mischiff – Nice pic of the desk.

    djmischiff – – I found your post through a webpage that combines the blog posts of 109 Victoria bloggers. It’s neat to see what people in Victoria are blogging about in near real-time. If you’re curious: http://jonaquino.blogspot.com/2005/04/assembling-list-of-local-bloggers.html

    Speaking of desks, Jim (another Victoria blogger) asks “so, what’s on your desk? clockwise from your wrists, please.”

  2. Hey Jonathan. I was just talking to davin about your site today. Fun project! May I suggest incorporating some sort of ranking? I notice you have a lot of blogs on your list that rarely get updated.

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