grow up

Harper opened his response to Martin’s speech with the words, “We have all just witnessed a sad spectacle.”

I think the sad spectacle was his, not Martin’s.

Maybe I should start a little farther back.

The current minority Liberal government is coming under heavy fire over the allocation of funds to an ad agency which apparently didn’t do much more with the money than pocket it. Martin was Finance Minister at the time, and one of the key issues is whether he was aware of the misallocation.

It’s important to note two things:

– no one is disputing that there was gross negligence on the part of the Liberals in catching the crime committed by party members in conjunction with this ad agency, especially within the Ministry of Finance, whose very job is to monitor the money. (here’s an update if you need some background.)
– Martin has acted decisively since his very first act in power to remedy the mess. No attempt has ever been made to cloud the issue.

Read Prime Minister Martin’s speech.

Meanwhile, for much of the past year the Opposition has seen fit to embroil Parliament in partisan politics, choosing to argue about this one issue rather than focus on such concerns as the Security and Prosperity Initiative. There’s an idea that really scares the hell out of me. One unified North American secure border, and no more tariffs. Effectively, this means economic absorption by the US. Without taking us off topic, you can read about the proposed demise of Canadian identity and independant global competitiveness right here. Somehow this has already been signed in principal, and it makes me deeply, deeply angry. The agreement just doesn’t make sense for anyone but the US. But that’s another post.

Back on topic. the Liberals are making restitution in a very public way, appropriately appointing the independant inquiry led by Judge Gomery whose report is due in November. Let me be clear- the Liberal government is doing precisely what it should be doing in this scandal, they have been since day one, and no one can possibly claim otherwise.

Why the hell are our duly elected representatives bickering a year later about something that is already being addressed?

Read Stephen Harper’s response to Martin’s speech.

Harper should take a good look in the mirror. Seriously. He is wasting my time and money trying to maneouver for power. He’s leading his party, *NOT* his constituents. You want my vote? Do your job. Do it better than your Liberal counterpart. Act in the best interests of a country that needs capable leadership, not petty bickering over something that is already being looked into. You make me sick, and I don’t say that lightly.

The Opposition is pushing for an immediate election rather than wait for the revelations of Judge Gomery’s investigation in November. Federal elections cost Canadians $250 million.

Their argument is simply that the Liberals are too corrupt, too irresponsible to hold power.

My answer is also simple: you think I’m going to vote YOU in?