firefly – good stuff

joss whedon's firefly

On the advice of several of you I checked out Joss (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, etc) Whedon’s Firefly and sure enough it turned out to be some high quality entertainment. So much so I went out & tracked down the dvd of the first (and only [for now]) season. Anyone want to come watch?

What the hell am I doing still up at 6:30am?

listening: Dr Kucho & Wally Lopez – La Luna

6 thoughts on “firefly – good stuff”

  1. “What the hell am I doing still up at 6:30am?”

    were you eating nachos? if so, that would explain it.. :cP

    If you’re into the show, you’ll be pleased to note that the Firefly movie “Serenity” will be out in September. It has a Baldwin in it, so there’s no way it will suck.

  2. Wait… you bought it? i thought the deal was I was going to buy it and you’d get it off me. Dammit… now i’m going to owe you more DVDs

  3. I saw Steven Baldwin on an episode of CSI. He had about 75 pounds on him since ‘Biodome’ and what looked like 30 years and many cases of Jack Daniels and Marlboros.

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