end hiatus

blooming rainy night

It’s been a rough couple weeks.

[massive edit]

In other news my services as a photographer are being tapped and while it’s not enough to live on yet I’m still excited to be doing it. davin assures me AdrianTaverner.ca is coming along. Don’t wait on ceremony though- if you’ve seen a pic you like in the djmischiff gallery then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The ol’ email address still works. [me] at this domain.

The most exciting news for me is that I’m caught up. Oh yes. The last 20,000 photos sorted and edited. The official landmark has been reached and I have been through my entire archive. Once. Now I have to go back to the very beginning (about 40,000 pics ago) and pull potential portfolio shots from as far back as the borrowed-F-65 days.

The initial pressure is off though. I have enough shots ready for the Adrian Taverner Photography site launch. I’ll rotate images in & out to keep the catalog fresh. I’m also planning a photographer blog (on Heather’s advice) where I’ll post a pic-of-the-day sort of thing, along with links to other related sites of interest. My grand plan is to be a part of the photographers’ exploding online community. This is an immediate visual medium. It was made for us.

The downside of that, of course, is suddenly everyone is a photographer. There is a certain irony there. Eleven years ago I became a dj and not long after everyone wanted to work the two turntables. HA! Lookit me: trendsetter.

So I’m relying heavily on word-of-mouth. The only way I’m going to get established is if everyone who’s seen and enjoyed my images is telling their friends about it and sending them to the gallery or the portfolio site. In an ideal world every booking would lead to two more, and I’d be spending the rest of the time filling print orders.

I’m looking into an inexpensive way to print archive-quality images suitable for framing. Something mass-marketish that I can offer as a standard for people who don’t want to mess around with the whole sizing and customizing conversation and who don’t care about limited edition print numbers. I’m aiming for a printing cost under $20 for the 11×17 range so I can offer them for $30 – $40 including postage. That will give me a really easy set-up with PayPal. Much simpler than my limitless customization options in the works currently. I’ll still have all that, but that can happen by email rather than trying to make PayPal an online agent.

Meanwhile not so long ago (but what seems like a lifetime) I mentioned a little contest for all you office drones. I think I’ve worked out the prizing with Heather but she and I need to have the conversation again. More details in the next couple days. While you’re waiting be sure to sharpen your most cunning and devious wits.

For this contest you will need:

– an office where you work with at least one other person
– a camera
– freshly sharpened cunning and devious wits

Stay tuned.

10 thoughts on “end hiatus”

  1. sorry to hear about your split.. that’s never easy. hugs to you.

    i’m a teacher so I don’t technically work in an office, although… there is an office where I work???

    Nice to see the massive edit!
    So smooth to write about your break-up!
    What do you think nobody saw that?

  2. I saw the note on his break up, and was wondering why it was edited. I don’t think it should have been. A blog, to me, is a place where the writer should never feel sensored. The break up was a thing that happened to him, and he wrote about it, what’s so wrong about that?

  3. Hey “neveryoumind”, what’s funny to me is you bringing it up here, thereby highlighting the fact it was ever here and making everyone wonder what they missed.

    For the record I still stand by the original post. I thought Jen and I deserved some sort of closure here but I wasn’t willing to go into detail about it (it’s my life), so I kept it short. Apparently that still wasn’t the right answer. So now the blog gets nothing. So drop it.

    (and as far as your anonymity goes please don’t forget that you have an IP address and I know where you’re writing from.)

  4. oh geez dj; anonymous ‘neverumind’ sure got you there.

    Wait. What are they saying anyway? Are they just pointing out the obvious replacement of text with [massive edit]? Because clearly if you wanted it hidden you wouldn’t have written [massive edit] in it’s place. Well, that and you would have installed java.mindcontrol

    Clearly they are the sort of person who sets their clock ahead 15 minutes to “fool” themselves when they wake up.

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