7 thoughts on “thursdays”

  1. It’s close – though it might only be geeks like me who get it. I think you need to make the “$3 everything” text a little more visible – and maybe more of an even older, clunkier font…

    I love the retro sign very kewl:)

  2. i have to admit i liked the last one better, but then again naked girls are always eye catching.

    a couple critiques if you are interested, there are a lot of fonts for very little text, that can be distracting for the eye. it is well balanced and edgy, but to me appears, quite masculine, there is little there to draw female attention. and hey, where’s the mischiff grin, how do we know who’s spinning?

  3. I tend to agree about the fonts. It’s a lot of changing gears for the eyeballs. And Alison- you’re definitely right about the masculine design but that was intentional. A minimalist mechanical design always looks masculine. You make a very valid point, though, whether you meant to or not: it’s always about the chicks. Attract the girls and the guys will follow. I’ll have another look at this. Thanks very much for the input, everyone. And Paige- why haven’t I seen you in so long?

  4. I think it looks great, but then again my eye is hurting so bad I’m wearing sunglasses to look at my monitor and I didn’t even see the 3 dollar everything. I had to read steve’s comm*nt then take off my glasses.

    wrrd about the fonts and attracting chicks and never seeing that paige chicky.

  5. DJ and GURTON – I am sorry you haven’t seen me around. i have been in hiding, working 3 jobs. That is all about to change now that the holidays are over. I hope you two had a great Christmas….mine was BLAH! I will see you soon, I promise…maybe even tonight :) x0x0

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