peanut buster & travel




Hey! Cute puppies!

Hey! I think I’m going to be able to go to the Impromaniacs’ (new site coming soon) shows with Unexpected Productions at Ryan Stiles’ Upfront Theatre Friday & Saturday, January 28-29. Two shows nightly. If you need a road trip you ain’t going to find better than this. Jen just needs to get that Friday afternoon off work…

Hey! I’m not even going to come home after that. Jen & I and probably gurton and his buddy Russ are going to Vegas from January 30 to February 3. Jen is still recruiting amongst her friends. We’re going to celebrate her upcoming birthday with a little of the ol’ OTT. I think we almost had Jason talked into it, especially when I dropped the TJ bomb, but he’s clinging to reason. Odd, that. Anyway… what do you think? Want to drop everything and do Vegas? Seriously now.

What else is new… I’m waiting to hear back from davin about progress on the portfolio site and slowly, slowly working my way through twenty thousand pics. Did I say twenty thousand? Oh, sorry, I meant more than twenty thousand. I need a better filing system. bahaha!

Nutritional tip: Yerba Mate. Grant & I somehow caught on to this while working together at the ‘mill and then I sorta forgot about it. Now it keeps showing up in nutritional information everywhere so I’m back on it. If you drink coffee for the kickstart in the morning or for something to do with your mouth besides eat then this is a much healthier alternative. Don’t let the taste of wet hay throw you off. =) I have more energy and a happier tummy these days. Although that may or may not have something to do with the absence of Xmas food everywhere.

Speaking of the ‘mill: the progenitor is moving to Hawaii with his lovely wife today. For her job. True story. Travel safe, you guys. Be well. Flourish. Send me a plane ticket.

I guess that’s the news in a nutshell.

So umm… what’s new with you?

8 thoughts on “peanut buster & travel”

  1. are you trying to compete with me for cute?

    Puppies vs Kitties: The Final Battle.

    Wowwie…my babies are famous!!

    one question though.. did I sign a release form Saturday and just can’t remember ;o)

  2. It’s funny… Kristy n I were talking about whisking our boys away for a joint bday/Valentine’s trip mid-Feb. Do send me your deets… what deals are you getting?

    I’m all with Jen to do something whacky this year for my bday, as next year, I’m just going to feel old :D

  3. jaime – isn’t that like apples & oranges?
    carrie – um… yes… yes you did sign a release. It was right after the fourth martini.
    cara – Vegas over V-day is crazy expensive. For the life of me I can’t fathom why.
    gurton – damn.

  4. Ohmygosh, those puppies are the cutest!!! (next to Jaime’s kittens of course ;)

    I wish I could Vegas with y’all, but as I told Jen, I already have work obligations for that week. Silly work. You guys will have tons of fun though and we’ll celebrate here too!!!

  5. hello from tokyo!
    i just have one question…
    what kind of dogs are they?
    they look so special, different and CUTE!
    they look like doxie but not exactly…mmm.
    pls tell me, i am so curious!

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