foosball wizards


I changed my email password last night. It’s a good idea to do that from time to time, yes? The best security is a fluid security.

But I did that after a day out with some of the ex-millians. We warmed the benches at the Wicket for four hours then headed back to Grant’s for roast & libation. I was home by ten after some great food, fun games including some epic foosball, and maybe one or twelve drinks. It was only 10pm, but we’d started at 2:30.

So now I can’t remember my new password.

And back when I set up the account I used my old address as my secondary (if you forget your password they’ll send a new one to your secondary), but I later had that secondary redirected to this one and didn’t make a new secondary. Dur.

Judd was kind enough to hook me up with a new redirect while I sort all this out. You won’t even notice a difference unless you sent me something today before the fix.

I think I need to catch up on sleep. This cold has given me very vivid dreams and I wake up a lot during the night. Dreaming too close to the surface. Maybe tonight I’ll dream my new password.

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1 thought on “foosball wizards”

  1. Thanks for the invite kids :)

    Yes, we gave Judd large trouble for not calling you. For shame, Judd! For SHAME!

    I think now is a good time to send me your phone number, ZQ. Let’s never let this happen again.

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