little devil

spotlight duck

Click, and be transported to the first installment of The Devil Duck Adventures

Disclaimer: of the 200 or so images taken so far, I’ve picked out forty that stand out in some way for this first installment. Lots more to come, and the duck still travels with me. Not all of the images are cleavage shots, but when opportunity presented itself I could hardly say no, now could I. That just wouldn’t be sporting.

How is it I’m still single? =)

Technical disclaimers: Keep in mind that the images are 72 dpi and processed to 60% quality to take some of the load off Judd’s servers, so they won’t print well and they’ll lack a certain vividnes as desktop art. You can click on the pics for larger versions, but again they’re far lower quality than the originals. Help yourself, but contact me if you want higher res copies. As always, I assert full copyright, which doesn’t matter to any of you until you make a dime off my images. Then that dime becomes mine, plus expenses.

Are you still reading? Shnykees. Go click the pic! Happy Friday! Come see me Sunday night at Upstairs.

1 thought on “little devil”

  1. Aww. I am so glad to see that he was able to adventure all over the place.

    Makes me want to take my lil’ purple ducky out for a photo sesh of his own.

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