Checked my stats, saw a couple long-time stalkers that *never* post comments, and also saw a link through Google to this old thing, and I still can’t get the grin off my face. So I had to share. I suspect jesteR is still walking with a limp.
Happy Friday. Hullo weekend. This oughtta be a good one.
How on earth do you check your stats and see how people find you on Google?
At the bottom of my list of links there’s a button to eXTReMe Tracking- it’s the one that looks like a blue sphere orbited by a pulse of some sort. Easy to install on any page. The accuracy & depth of info are not great, but it’s entertaining enough.
I love how that thread of babbling ended. So succinct.
There’s a few lessons to be learned, here:
1/ The internet is the ultimate archivist.
2/ I’m loose.
Thanks for that, DJ. Funny shizz, right there.
ha! that was freaken hilarious. It’s funny reading things that I don’t even remember writing.
Just because we stalk you, doesn’t mean we don’t love you ;) Thanks for hooking me up with this blog thing Adrian. It’s way more fun then it has any right to be *evil grin*
haha! having fun digging ditches??
yes, actually.