hullo duck

djmischiff - hullo duck

I have it in my head to build a proper gallery site. This would mean setting up a merchant interface and various other store fronty type things. It would also mean offering you 15% of the revenue after expenses for every sale you refer to me. What do you think?

I also have it in my head to do this for a small collective.

I also have it in my head, along with a few other people’s heads, to do something entirely different and possibly globally beneficial in a political sort of way. We’re thinking about it anyway.

I love photography. I want to get worlds better at it. In this interview, Gayla underlines a point I’ve felt all my artistic life- it’s not the gear. It’s the eye that looks through it. I really really really really want to develop mine.

I guess you could point out that there isn’t a lot of artistic merit in talking about money in the same breath as a passion for photography, but it’s a pretty simple equation- if you can get paid for doing something you love… shouldn’t you?

Of course, at my current level I’m just hoping for a little help in supporting my habit. =)

2 thoughts on “hullo duck”

  1. ducky! nice shot adrian. i love ducks btw. they are the coolest.

    looking for a photography job? cool!

    Obligatory Strongbad quote:

    “Somebody get this freaking duck away from me!”

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