happy b-day nick & kenzie

screwed perspective

I know. I haven’t posted in ages. Could be the jobs. Could be the exhaustion from the jobs. Could be the stuff that comes with the jobs like laundry & poster graphics. Could be the attempts to clean up the apartment. Could be the sincere attempts to maintain having a life of some sort on top of all that.

I just don’t know where the time goes. A tv joined the household a week ago, but it’s only been on for a total of maybe twenty minutes. I did manage to find the time to get 25 feet of s-video cable though. mmmdvd.

But I’ll make it to Hush tonight I think. Nick & Kenzie don’t having a dueling brithday bash every day. What I’m not so sure of is if I’ll actually dress up as a pirate.

Oh! One more thing, before I scram outta here to catch some daylight-

thanks again to Jakki and Page 3.

3 thoughts on “happy b-day nick & kenzie”

  1. It’s OK, Adrian. The whole Pirate Theme just might have to wait till tomorrow morning, when we’re sketchily stumbling around with squinty eyes and muttering “Arrr!” to one another.

    I’d be just TICKLED if I could see you tonight. Like, for SERIOUS.


    Work keeps getting in the way of our sociability, I know. Saw you tonight but it was all too brief. We have to hook up for some relaxation time soon. My psyche needs it. Now for six hours sleep til I go hunt ferns in the woods all day Sunday. With Grant. BAAAHAHAHAAH!

  2. You don’t even want to KNOW how I spent my Sunday. I’ll give you some hints, though:

    There was a drag queen, a hunting knife, and two ghetto bitches who were grinding to 80s music… and one of them took out HER TEETH.

    I kid you not. This is the life I lead.

    Call me soon. Save me, Obi Wan, you really are my only hope!

  3. 80s music on sunday night? perhaps i will have to check this out… :)

    ps: jason, you told tammie you were going to stop telling everyone about her teeth. just leave it alone, man!!! ;)

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