get organized

Isn’t it strange that during the periods of greatest upheaval in our personal lives we tend to be least likely to put it all down in writing. Or anything down in writing. For example: Aaron’s blog has been a parked domain for over three months. And when was the last time I let my blog sit for a week straight?

Me. Well, the changes in my own life aren’t quite so dramatic in print as his. But there’s been a shift, certainly. Similar to the deep drive from way back when 11Stones was in full gear and I was pulling down thirty hours a week at the Mill. Time is a precious thing, and the more you chase after it, the more elusive it becomes. The trick, I suspect, is to demand that it come to you. Bring it to heel.

Get organized.

Not my strong suit.

The last three places I’ve lived in, all of them for more than a year, never saw any art actually make it on to the walls. I still have things packed from three moves ago.

Get organized.

I have so much I want to be doing right now. And I’m doing a lot of those things so it’s not like I’m trapped or lost. I’m more in command of the situation now than I have been for the last two and a half years, thank you very much. But yes, there are more things I’d really like to find time for. Learning Reason, Sound Forge and even Acid. Mastering Photoshop and getting a handle on the basics of Illustrator. Dreamweaver & Fireworks. My camera.

When I think about what I want to do with my life all I know for certain is that I want to earn a living being creative. And that could be anything from acting to photography, graphic design to making music. Or writing.

Every once in a while someone will tell me I should write professionally. I love the sound of it, but I can’t really imagine having a steady job doing it. Too restricting. I could freelance, but even that seems… imagine being known for only one thing. Ever. Ugh. Everyone likes to pigeon hole, and I resist pigeon holing. Blog indexes want you to define your blog. How would I define this one? Personal? That’s about the best you can do. But it’s hard to get noticed as a writer unless you pigeon hole yourself. meh.

If I could get organized, however, I could devote some energy to freelancing in directions that interest me. I could submit articles or shorts anywhere my whimsy took me. So long as I didn’t need to support myself doing it that could be a lot of fun.

I’d probably have to focus on the sort of writing where you can get away with vigorous stream-of-consciousness though. Just look at me ramble.

Get organized.

I’m back to three gigs of pics in the logjam, waiting impatiently for their chance to waltz out into the spotlight. I’ll get there. Soon as I get some time.

Interesting thought- I’m always able to find time for the things that matter most to me, at least at the time. It’s been a decade or so since a girlfriend has complained that I don’t make enough time for her. I think. If I dated you in the past decade and you disagree then by all means glare at me.

Just saying that when it’s been important to me to make time for something I’ve always found a way. I didn’t think I had time for improv and now I’m there two evenings a week, at least for a couple weeks more. The retro night at Upstairs will cut that back to one again. But the point is I found the time, and no one had to be hospitalized for anything.

So I’m not lacking in time. Just organizational skills. Thanks to Gio, voice from the misty past, for pointing that out.

Maybe I need a secretary. Pay will have to be restricted to sexual favours for the most part, at least at first, but I promise to pay well and enthusiastically. And yes, I will be leaving myself open to various discrimination charges here. =) Hell, if Bush can ban gay marriage then I can have a hot secretary.

I really am just rambling here. I always have a few polictical zingers running around in my head, and I thought I might pull a few out here tonight, but then I’d be getting to sleep at 3 or 4, and that’s not so good for the physical work in the morning.

Get organized? I think I’ll just buy a clock that goes to fourteen.

all the time in the world

4 thoughts on “get organized”

  1. i’d LOVE to have a clock that goes to 14. why aren’t you tired at the end of the day?

    Oh I’m tired alright. But there’s always stuff that needs doing. After a day of working in the sun building waterfalls & ponds I’m looking forward to a hot shower and staring vacantly at a video for a little while, but that’ll mean putting off a chunk of stuff that really needs some attention. Soon. Tomorrow. =)

  2. *glare* oh, wait, that was 13 years ago, a little more than a decade, okay you’re forgiven:) When you finally get organized and find the time for everything, the feeling is amazing! No niggling in the back of your head about some less important thing, that was once again neglected. It became a priority once I became a mom, if I hadn’t organized and scheduled, I would have totally come undone. I have found though, that the more I have to do, the more I manage to get done. If I only have one chore for that particular day, it might slip through the crack, and wind up on the next days “to do” list, but the next day is usually very productive, and I usually get it all done. I guess I like the pressure. Now don’t ask me to tell you how organized I am in a couple of weeks, I’m sure I’ll be pulling my hair out, but once this new baby is on a schedule, we’ll be just fine:)!!

  3. dj-do you have ADD? you sound an awful lot like me. I find when I’m organised,I have an inner peace-which is rare.Starting is the hardest part.

  4. Organization? Secretary? Sex?

    Mr. Henderson, I’m appalled that you didn’t just ask ME. (Not that you’ve ever ASKED before.)

    I hear ya on the blog-life correlation. I had to force myself to write today and it was basically a ramble. My mind is wandering.

    Time. Organization. Creativity.

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