pics… almost

when good improv goes bad - mischiff

ok, no, the pics aren’t ready. But they’re almost ready. In fact, technically they’re ready but I have to finish captioning them. I’ve forgotten half the names of the performers so I’m being creative, pending an edit after I post. So I’ll finish the captions when I get up and we’ll be good to go. GTG. Promise. Unless Charlize shows up wanting another round with me. Then I may be a few weeks late. rarr!

In the meantime, go bug Neil for pics. He was there too, dammit, and his camera didn’t die before we made it to the Roxy Burger. mmmm… Roxy girls…

1 thought on “pics… almost”

  1. I’m excited to see the adventure unfold, in bold photographic form. It sounded like a grand adventure, far outside the norm.

    indeed it was a grand old trip
    playing asshole & reeling off quips
    glad you like the shots of me ‘n my improv brothers…
    on this trip one of these things was not like the others…
    it was fun but impromaniac chix were lacking;
    boys, get reelin’ ’em in–no more slacking:)

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