worm food

Heads up for hot new worm action. This one looks like it will be as big a problem as the SoBig virus last year. It’s called the MyDoom worm, or Novarg. Your email box may get clogged with emails with subject lines like “test” and “mail delivery failed” and various other ambiguous tags.

It will cost companies millions of dollars fighting this email barrage off, but the important thing is the attachment. That’s where the worm sleeps. In my case they’ve all been zips so far, but according to the CBC News article over here, they can also come as .bat, .cmd, .exe, .pif, and the ever-popular .scr. So obviously, don’t open them! It’s funny how everyone knows that but they still keep opening them. Simple rule of thumb- don’t open anything from anyone, including your own mother, unless you’re expecting it, or she includes a clearly personal note telling you it’s okay to do so. And I mean personal like mentioning your favorite kind of underwear personal.

You may also get emails from other places, telling you they’ve received infected emails from your address. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re infected. That’s the cleverness of worms. Once they’re on board they hijack your address book and not only hit everyone on it, they tell everyone it’s actually from everyone else.

So while you wait for your virus suite to get updated, or for your free email client to solve the problem, you’ll probably have to unclog your own inbox, maybe set up some filters of your own, and in my case: nuke the attachments. Eudora is helpful enough to download them even if you’re only previewing the email. Stoopid. So even after you trash the email you still have to trash the attachment from your desktop.

Does anyone have a copy of McAfee or Norton or some such that I could borrow? =)

7 thoughts on “worm food”

  1. Imagine if the next generation viruses opened all the attachments from other email viruses! Oh, the mayham!

    Somebody shut that kid up!

  2. *badly dubbed reply*

    We shall see, Mr. Chu, when the timing is right.

    (DJ: MayHam! Bahaha. I am seriously considering throwing a party, now, dedicated to such a thing.)

  3. Captain Happy Pants

    Hey Biatch!!

    Stumbling my way thru the net tonite and what do I come across? The Paris Hilton video – for FREE!! But thats a story for another time…

    Saw Neil shortly before Xmas and he told me about the improv thing you two been getting mixed up in – hope to get out and see you guys in action sometime – I’ll keep an eye on the site to see what you have to say about it.

    Hope all is good dude (sorry to read about the Mill) – drop me a note when you get some free time.



    “AbashÂ’d the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is, and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely.” (John Milton “Paradise Lost”)

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