
mischiff - improv legs

It just occur’ded to me that I won’t be taking the golf ball for any more epic adventures involving cleavage or other man-made channels.

Huh. Life changes (shahnges) in subtle ways that we do not at first appreciate.

So I think I will take the devil duck to Van with me this time. He will be my new abassador. Not quite the same cache but certainly more cuteness, yes?

Hell, it’s either him or my Batman Pez Dispenser. You tell me.

mischiff - devil duck……….or……….batman pez

So off to Vancouver we go, the intrepid Impromaniacs, with by far the coolest troupe name, barring possibly the Yellow Man Group, whom, while making a cool but obvious cultural snag for the name and employing a less that glorious website (kinda like ours, but less so), are apparently stupendous in translingual entertainment and are cordially invited to the Victoria International Improv Festival which is in no way affiliated with that VIIF, so beware Google Hunters and The Press. The 2004 V(ictoria)IIF, between you & me, looks better organized, more professional, and built on a grander scale than anything else improvy on the west coast of North America, and yes I’ve done some research. =)

And no, I won’t be seeing Yellow Man in Vancouver this weekend. They’re saving themselves for Victoria. I hope. Say yes, guys. What’s Japanese for “yes”? (I’m so sneaky)

It’s something we never stop to think about, because we’re from BC, and from Canada, which means we’re doubly the most laid back, relaxed and most un-assuming bunch in the world. But we are putting on what will be the biggest improv festival on the wet coast… whut the…? Lemme check that link again…

(have a faboo weekend & miss me, yes?)

7 thoughts on “shahnge”

  1. Without following the link (which I’ll do in a second, lest I miss some sort of amazingly humourous gag), ‘hai’ is Japanese for yes.

    I say go with the batman pez. I bet he would look great peeking out from man made channels.
    Plus, the added benifit of having pez. Can’t beat it.
    Have fun in Van.

  2. Gotta say Devil Duck. Can you imagine yourself hype’d up on improv AND sugar?? Lethal combo, my friend.

  3. i’d have to cast my vote for the batman pez. he can be sneakier then the devil duck.

    not to mention you’ll have something to offer the hawties when they start asking questions about the weird random behavior. and everyone loves pez.

    ps. your link is broken

  4. It’s a tight race, innit? I think I will try the duck this weekend, and it sounds like the Bat Pez deserves a shot as well, so he’ll do the rounds next time.

    And yes, that site is up & down. We’re looking at relocation, but it’s not a red alert emergency til March. In the meantime, check back every once in a while. It’s there. Most of the time. Sometimes.

  5. I think the devil duck has more photo opportunities but wouldn’t go well with cleavage (he’s too big, IIRC); there you’d need the batman pez.

  6. Gotta go with Chu on this one – devil duck for scenery and Batman Pez for the action shots. Hope you had fun in Van!

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