the last F5 of ‘03

mischiff 101

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

How do I judge? My greatest personal victory? My shining moment in others’ eyes? I don’t really know. It’s been a really good year for personal growth. I’ve made some really smart decisions even though they were very hard. I acted against my nature because it was better for me in the long run- cutting someone out of my life has never been my way, but sometimes it’s all you can do…. Actually, I guess I did it twice this year. Huh. Well, one was a minor loss in the overall scheme of things. The other was… agonizing. *sigh* What else… I’ve worked harder in the past year than ever before in my life, and it was for a greater good, rather than solely personal gain. I’m part of a team, and that really means something for someone who has always either lead or gone alone. Wondermill weathered the storm of storms this year, dealing with every conceivable speed bump all at once. And if I may say so the competition has no idea what’s coming. We’re going to completely destroy them, and they have no idea. The tables have turned 180 degrees. Fourteen months ago we were the complacent ones. Now we laugh, we really laugh, when the competition puts out a flyer depicting us as old tvs compared to their fabulous shiny new entertainment unit. They have no idea what’s coming, though that flyer says they’re afraid, and I LOVE that game. Woo! It’s been a good year for friendships too, developing new ones and reaffirming old ones. I’m looking forward to continuing that path. Over and over through the past year I have been stopped in my tracks by the realization of my love for my friends. I will not take these things for granted. There are a couple of old friends with whom I have to find a way to spend more time, too. They are the treasure.

2. What was your biggest disappointment?


3. What do you hope the new year brings?

Globally speaking I’d like the States to realize that 1) the rest of the world has the opinion they do for good reason, and 2) short-sighted gain only gets you well-trained terrorists with a handy target. And yes, I’m also realistic enough to know that neither of those wishes will come true. Power corrupts, and I have yet to see any sign of America learning from their mistakes. Empire founded on deceit is just a house of cards, and even the architects are buying their own press.

Personally speaking I hope the new year brings more long term momentum. More opportunity to pursue friendship. Professional development in new directions. Some travel would be nice. Grant and I keep talking about Greece. =) Aaron & Evgenya will be getting married and that brings me a certain deep satisfaction. Maybe I’ll find true love too.

4. Will you be making any New Year’s resolutions? If yes, what will they be?

Whenever I see an attractive girl with a fit body I’m hit with the need to match her effort. She cares enough about her health and appearance to work at it. How can I do any less? I’ve made a good start and I intend to keep going. The end of ’03 has also seen me begin to really push my comfort zones. At 32 I still struggle with the same blocks I had at 17, and they only get stronger over time. So my resolution for 2004 is already underway. I’m throwing myself into situations I normally sidestep. Or, more accurately, instead of gliding through on coolness I’m diving in headfirst & stirring things up. Go improv. Go radio. Go SoundForge. Go Photoshop. Go love. Go Wondermill and go me.

5. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

As always I don’t get my fondest wish- to have all my friends together under one roof. As always everyone is scattering to the four corners to do something fabulous. And as always I don’t really have a plan. This year the biggest party in the world is relatively… just a footnote. Between you & me I’d like to kiss a beautiful total stranger at midnight, just because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I guess it has happened on several occassions but I don’t think it should really count if half a dozen girls want to kiss the dj. Anyway, that’s all beside the point. New Year’s Eve isn’t a big deal this year except as a bookmark. I’d like to be with at least a couple good friends, but I don’t really care where we are.

It’s New Year’s Eve. I recruited last week’s Friday Five for the same reason Jason did. I may not get the chance to properly bid adieu to 2003, so this may have to do the job.

2 thoughts on “the last F5 of ‘03”

  1. happy new year mr. adrian! i’m glad in 2003 i got to know you just a little better. you run deep sir, and you’re an inspiring and talented soul. here’s to 04, it’s not wrong for 03 to have been less than perfect, 93 kinda sucked, and so did 83. as for 73, i think that was nixon. 94, hey, that was quite a year, for reasons i’d have to check the ‘net to be sure of, and i’m not sure if that includes the eurythmics. and 84 was the first year i got laid. fours are good!

    oh no, has it been 20 years since i last had sex? well, maybe it was that good it took me 20 years before i felt i needed more! yeah! totally.

    anyway mischiff, from what i know so far, you’re a pretty stellar individual, and flipping thru your cd’s is like looking into my own soul. here’s to photogroffee 3.0 at your house, close to thrifty’s so there’s no excuse for showing up with anything less lame than apples. happy new year, i hope that by its end you’re dizzy in requitted love, and you’ve taken even more photographs i’m dizzy with desire to have taken myself. prad mops, you’re a stellar guy.


    happy new year, Adrian!
    That was a thoughtful summary. It was a please to meet you, get to know you, and befriend you all in the past year.

    a toast to happy times, luscious love, confident self, and lingering peace!

    see you in 10 days, (mabye then it will be time for the pisco)

  2. Great post, and happy new year, brother. :) A few random things I thought as I read your post…

    It’s been inspiring to see you challenge yourself so much this last year. Rocking the auditions into improv as VERY NEAT to see.

    I think we’ve both fallen off the 150 wagon of late though, or at least I have… eeep!

    Re: the mill. Yep. :)

    Lastly, you’re exactly right about friends. Along with family, they are quite simply that is important in the world. The older I get, the clearer that becomes.

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