supa soup

“Campbell’s is donating a can of soup to the needy for every person that
goes to their site and votes for their favorite NFL team. Go to the site
and it is right there–very easy to do. It will only take a few seconds of
your time to fill some empty tummies with warm soup this winter.”

Spread the word.

7 thoughts on “supa soup”

  1. Thanks… that is pretty cool!

    I’m not a huge NFL fan so I just clicked the 49ers (who are 11th when I clicked).

    Though some of the morons in one of my communications class would argue that this is capitalism and marketing at its worst. Using the needy to promote soup and the NFL.

    I vote in favour of SOUP! Give them all lots and lots of soup! I love that stuff!

    Totally valid point, Jonathan. I had the same thought. But really, there’s no denying the fact that there’s free soup going out. And if that’s how Campbell’s (and the NFL) wants to get some branding recognition, I’m ok with that. That’s the very best kind of advertising, if you ask me.

    In fact, the only time I’m opposed to capitalistically motivated charity is when it’s done two-faced, like companies who exploit child labour and then donate some of the product to clothe some orphans. Or oil companies that claim to care about the environment. Or American federally funded international disaster relief.

    But I digress. Yay free soup!

  2. “No other country spends as much on government foreign assistance as the United States. The fact is that the US government is the world’s largest bilateral donor to the developing world: providing $11 billion in official development assistance and over $17 billion in all forms of assistance. It is also the world’s leader in
    humanitarian assistance; the largest donor to the multilateral development banks; the leader in private charitable donations; and the greatest source of private capital to developing states.

    Indeed, well over $30 billion in private remittances alone go from the United States to the developing world each year.”

    Not bad for a “fucked-up” society. Of course the Campbell’s soup donation is a “US thing” so it’s probably an evil capitalist plot to subjugate poor people and make them vote for George W. Bush in the next election.

  3. That is kinda slick. A little disappointing, to be sure. I’d like to know if those cans would have been rerouted to charity anyway, in which case Campbell’s is doing a good job of getting some positive press out of something they’ve been doing all along, or if they only make the effort if it looks like it’s getting enough attention. Which would be sucky.

    Thanks huge for the heads-up, Jim!

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