Larry Spencer: jackass

The Vancouver Sun wants your money. More than they want to tell anything newsworthy, at any rate.

The whole article is obviously geared to sell newspapers with an inflamatory front-page headline like “Make it a crime to be gay: Alliance MP”, but my favorite part was the author’s decision to state in the opening lines that Larry Spencer is US-born and a former Baptist pastor.

This benighted idiot Larry Spencer is completely in favor of making it a crime (again) to be gay, stating that it’s all a conspiracy started in the 60s. In locker rooms and playgrounds.

What a moron.

I’m going to start a conspiracy of Left-Handedness. I’m right-handed, but I think a subversive movement of lefties has a lot of potential to undermine the solid family values of this great nation. We could really destroy the fundament of the moral fibre that separates us from the animals. I’ll cruise the playground and locker rooms and do my secret subversive lefty handshake. We’ll hold rallies and burn our right-hand gloves & mittens. We’ll conquer the minds of your children and live in tents with left-handed zippers.

Look, it’s obvious that in times of stress democratic countries go turtle. They get uber-conservative and crucify a lot of people who were just citizens like anyone else ten minutes ago. We know that the States are acting like scared children because someone got a good shot in. Hell, they decided to have a war they’d been putting off for ten years just to make them feel better about themselves.

So yes, we get it. Printing an incitement to riot as a front-page headline will sell some papers.

But let’s be realistic. Being gay is not a crime unless your government is a bunch of insecure ignorant twats who were rejects in high school and now feel the need to control everyones’ lives. Being gay is as natural as being left-handed. Claiming otherwise merely highlights your complete ignorance.

But let’s look deeper. Let’s say that being gay is purely a question of choice.

So. Fucking. What.

Who cares. It’s consensual sex. And this is democracy, where your life is your own unless it intrudes on the rights of others to live their own lives.

Don’t you get it? You complete jackass? Who cares who’s screwing who as long as it’s consensual? No one’s asking you, you wrinkly old maggot, to take it in the bum.

Do NOT mistake ignorance for moral rectitude. This is YOUR problem. YOUR failing. Not RuPaul’s.

8 thoughts on “Larry Spencer: jackass”

  1. “When it comes to people who wish to live together, whether they are women or men, why do they have to be out here in the public always debating that they want to call it marriage? If they are going to live together, they can go live together and shut up about it.”

    – Progressive Conservative MP Elsie Wayne Saint John, New Brunswick

    I probably don’t have to point this out, but the fact that it’s going on behind closed doors is not the issue. It’s always been going on. Always. What’s at issue is the right of a devoted couple to be recognized legally as a married entity. With all the legal rights & obligations that entails. I think Elsie is drunk. Either that or willfully blind.

    Kass said that Alliance MP Larry Spencer got booted from the House. He’s still a party member but no longer a Representative on the floor.


  2. “Do NOT mistake ignorance for moral rectitude.”

    An excellent line… an excellent blog entry! You are an enlightened individual. And a funny one; you made me belly laugh several times. “Wrinkly old maggot” was a favourite.

  3. First of all I would like to point out that us left handers are in our right mind :)

    Cretins like Elsie Wayne or Stockwell Day or Larry Spencer have always roamed the halls on parliament hill, and there are a whole lot more of them too. Not too long ago we had the native guy who suddenly went on a public anti jewish rant. We elect such dumb-asses sometimes. This latest one is a beaut though. He apparently retracted the statement today; but that cuts no krist with me. I would imagine that his constituency office is being flooded with demands for his head!

    I would say the merger of the Conservatives and the Cdn. Alliance is dead; and that Paul Martin & Co. are laughing their heads off.

    A pox on all their houses I say!

  4. Adrian… Gwen. Gwen… Adrian.

    Gwen is one of my dear friends, DJ– you may know of her as the girl that sends me crazy-awesome things (like the box of sundae-flavoured Smarties I shared with you recently.)

  5. Poor Kyle :( Best steer well clear of right-handed homophobic ex-baptist preachers.

    I do find this situation both serious and educational. Serious for the CA party cuz they have another member in Nanaimo that is also an ex-baptist preacher who rails against gays. Educational cuz it has opened my eyes wider than they have ever been regarding how these characters ever got elected in the first place. How many more like these two are there in this party? This wasn’t a shot down the hallway; this guy has given us the opportunity to see these guys as they really are, and for all of us across the country to remember for the next election.

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